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Meeting on the electoral system and upcoming elections with university students

  On October 27 of this year, elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, people's deputies of regional, Tashkent city, district and city councils will be held in our country.

  Before the elections, a lot of work is being done to further improve the legal literacy of the population, familiarize them with innovations in the legislation on elections and the electoral system of the republic.

  At a meeting held at the Samarkand State Medical University with the director of the Institute for the Study of Youth Problems and Training of Prospective Personnel, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Aktam Jalilov, students were familiarized in detail with the upcoming parliamentary elections and the procedure for the electoral system. Also at the meeting, information was presented on newly adopted documents in the electoral system, the procedure for issuing ballots and public control over the electoral process.

  During the event, students had the opportunity to receive detailed answers to all their questions.

Press-service of SamSMU