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​National dress "Khan Atlas" week is taking place at Samarkand State Medical University

  The "KHAN ATLAS" week, national holiday, which is traditionally held every year in our country, continues in an upbeat spirit.

  In order to glorify our national values and widely promote our national costumes among women and girls and the young generation, "KHAN ATLAS" will be held at Samarkand State Medical University under the leadership of the Women's Advisory Council, Rector's Advisor G.I.Khudayberdiyeva on September 9-14. "KHAN ATLAS" days reflecting the thousand-century past of our nation, our ancient customs and traditions were organized at a high level and in a high spirit in all faculties, departments and departments.

  During the week, flash mobs, challenges, exhibitions, and podiums are organized, and our women and students are actively participating in the creative display of our nationality.

Press service SamSMU