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"Rector's Olympiad" was held among students of academic lyceums and schools

  The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan's decision Number PD-4910 dated on 3 December 2020 "On measures to improve the system of selecting talented young people and activities of academic lyceums" and the Decree of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 24  2023 "All Higher, In order to ensure the implementation of the Order Number 507 "On meaningful winter vacation and organization of seminars for professors and teachers of secondary special and professional students, the RECTOR's Olympiad in biology and chemistry was organized at the academic lyceum of Samarkand State Medical University. 9th grade students of secondary schools participated. In particular, 63 students of biology and 54 students of chemistry from the academic lyceum of Samarkand State Medical University tested their knowledge. More than 120 9th grade students from 12 general education schools in Samarkand took part. Participants tested their knowledge in two stages: quizzes and solving situational problems.

  The Samarkand State Medical University and the administration of the academic lyceum participated in the solemn opening and awarding ceremony of the Olympiad, and the students who took pride of place in the fields and were recognized as winners in the nominations "The fastest solver of a situational problem", "The most active participant", "The most knowledgeable participant" were awarded diplomas and awarded with certificates. Students of the Faculty of International Education were also awarded for their active participation in university-wide events.

  The "Rector's Olympiad" tested the knowledge and skills of young people in the field and increased their interest in science and medicine.

SamSMU Press Service