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IV International Olympiad of students of medical universities "Samarkand-2020" was held at Samarkand State Medical University

  On month of December 15-16th days of this year, the IV International Olympiad of students of Medical universities "Samarkand-2020", which has become a tradition, was held at the Samarkand State Medical University, 670 offline and 4141 online students, rectors of foreign medical institutions and about 80 professors took part in the Olympiad from 84 medical universities of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Ukraine. .

  Jasur Rizayev rector of the Samarkand State Medical University, who spoke at the opening ceremony of the Olympiad, said that this prestigious competition, which is being organized for the fourth time, is not only a test of the knowledge and skills of students and young researchers, but also a further strengthening of international friendly relations and new cooperation with a number of countries of the world in the field of medicine. emphasizing that it will create a basis for the establishment of new cooperation relations, he wished good luck to all participants of the Olympiad.

  The next part of the opening continued in a festive spirit, and interesting performances and songs gave high spirits to all participants.

  Within the framework of the Olympiad, a group of professors of higher education institutions of foreign countries were awarded the title of "Honorary Professor" of the university and letters of thanks from the Ministry of Health by SamSMU Rector Jasur Rizayev.

  In particular, the title of "Honorary Professor of Samarkand State Medical University" was awarded to the Rector of Vitebsk State Medical University with the Order of People's Friendship of Belarus, Chukanov Alexey Nikolayevich; Belenova Irina Aleksandrovna, Deputy Chairman of the St. Petersburg Health Committee Tereshin Alexey Yevgenevich, Rector of Turkish University of Health Sciences Kamalettin Aydin were presented with letters of thanks from the Ministry of Health.

  In addition, about thirty master-classes devoted to basic sciences, scientific research methods and other topical issues in modern medicine were organized by foreign and leading experts of our republic for students of SamSMU.

  Participants in the IV International Olympiad of medical students of "Samarkand-2020" will compete in two stages, through tests and demonstration of practical skills. In addition, 670 students participating traditionally tested their skills using the 7th generation simulation robots that meet the requirements of world standards of practical knowledge. The Olympiad conducted its work in Uzbek, Russian and English.

  Also, for the first time, an international Olympiad was organized between the students of Uzbekistan's Abu Ali Ibn Sina Technical College of Public Health and foreign medical colleges.

  The closing ceremony of the Olympiad was organized in a solemn manner, and the winners and prize-winners, the participants who actively participated and were recognized as the winners in the nomination, were awarded with diplomas, certificates and souvenirs. The awarding ceremony was continued in a festive spirit, prepared performances and entertaining songs gave everyone a high mood.

SamSMU Press Service