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A meeting was held within the framework of measures to combat drug addiction

  On November 8 of the current year, on the initiative of the departments of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medical Pedagogy, an event dedicated to the negative consequences of the use of narcotic drugs was organized  in Samarkand State Medical University.  Advisor to the Rector E.A. Aripov, faculty staff, narcology doctors and students participated in the event.

  The main purpose of the event was to inform students about the negative consequences of addiction to drugs and psychotropic substances, the moral and material damage caused by them, as well as the criminal responsibility established by law.

  During the event, students were informed about drug addiction and drugs, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, the participants were given detailed explanations about the factors, processes and consequences of falling under the influence of drugs.

  The students were also familiarized with the drugs included in the list of psychotropic, narcotic and intoxicating substances, as well as with the responsibility established in case of their cultivation, storage and distribution without appropriate authorization.  Information was given about the stages and methods of treatment of a person addicted to drugs.  During the event it was emphasized to the audience that this condition has a negative impact not only on the physical and mental status of a person, but also on the life of society.  The students had an opportunity to get answers to their questions.

SamSMU Press Service