Students both from our republic and from foreign countries is applied by Samarkand State Medical University. Today the number of foreign students, studying at the University, exceeds 2000 people. The students are trained at the faculty of international education according to the world standards.
On October 19 of the current year Dean of the Faculty of International Education of SamSMU S. Ergashev held a meeting with students of this faculty. The meeting was attended by dean's office staff, university inspector on prevention of offenses O. Eshmurodov, rector's advisor A. Aripov and students. The purpose of the meeting was to study the living conditions of foreign students, their problems, suggestions and familiarize them with the new life and university, moreover a number of issues related to education were discussed.
In particular, detailed information was provided about the university management, the order of organization of the new academic year, the rules of etiquette and dress code at the university. Students were also familiarized with a number of legal norms and rules of behavior in society, in order provide smooth adaptation to the new lifestyle of a student.

SamSMU Press Service