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Neurosurgeons of SamSMU passed advanced training in clinics of Medipol University (Turkey)

  From August 6 to 11, 2023 a group of employees of the specialized scientific center of neurosurgery and neurorehabilitation of Samarkand State Medical University, under the direction of PhD, Associate Professor M.A.Aliev passed the advanced training course on the program "Surgery of Parkinson's disease and movement disorders" in Medipol Mega and Medipol Parmer clinics of Medipol University in Istanbul (Turkey) with the purpose of development of stereotactic and functional surgery.

  In particular, SamSMU staff took part in operations of the head of Medipol Parmer Clinic, world famous specialist in the field of stereotactic surgery, Professor Ali Zirh, performed on patients with Parkinson's disease and motor disorders, as well as in complex high-tech operations on the brain and spinal cord of the head of the Department of Neurosurgery at Medipol Mega, Professor Nejat Akalan.

  Within the framework of the program, Head of the Department of Neurosurgery, PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Aliev, Assistant of the Department D.M. Ravshanov also got acquainted with the educational process at Medipol University, conditions created for students, university library and took part in training sessions.

  As a result of the advanced training course, an agreement was reached to implement practical developments with Medipol University in the field of "Parkinson's disease and movement disorders" in the specialized scientific and practical center of neurosurgery and neurorehabilitation at SamSMU and to train specialists in this field.

Press service of SamSMU