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Cooperation between Samarkand State Medical University and Pomeranian University (Poland) is developing

  As we reported earlier, a bilateral memorandum of cooperation was signed between Samarkand State Medical University and Pomor University (Academy) in Slupsk (Poland). A delegation of Samarkand State Medical University headed by the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Shukhrat Ziyadullayev visited Pomor University in order to discuss areas of cooperation in accordance with this memorandum.

  During the visit, meetings and negotiations were held with the Polish side with the participation of the rector of the Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk Zbigniew Osadowski, the vice-rector for Student Affairs, professor Danutiy Gerchi, the vice-rector for development and cooperation and professor Mark Lukasik. As a result of fruitful negotiations, roadmaps were discussed for the implementation of joint programs aimed at developing educational, scientific, academic mobility and research work at a new level.

  Also, the Samarkand State Medical University delegation got acquainted in detail with the material and technical base of the Pomor Academy, including the conditions made for young research scientists and special research and simulation rooms.

Press service SamSMU