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International competition for students and young scientists “The Future of Neuroscience”

  On October, 28, 2022 scientific-practical conference in online format according to program of II Satellite International Competition of Students and Young Scientists “Future of Neurosciences” within interregional interdisciplinary scientific-practical conference with international participation “Lermontov Autumn in the North Caucasus” was organized and held in Stavropol State Medical University (Russian Federation). The conference was attended by students of higher medical educational institutions of Russia and CIS countries, including students of Samarkand State Medical University.

  The conference included various presentations on neurology, neurosurgery, neurorehabilitation, psychiatry, neurophysiology and their contemporary aspects. Each participant gave a presentation on various areas such as a literature review, results of their own research, clinical case review, and diseases associated with COVID-19.

  Thus, the representatives of Samarkand State Medical University (SamSMU), headed by the head of the neurosurgery department, associate professor M.A.Aliev and professor of neurosurgery A.M.Mamadaliev, got positive feedback from the members of the competition jury and were awarded with honorary places in the “Own research in neurosurgery” section.

  At the end of conference Kholmurodova Khulkar, student of medical faculty of SamSMU, received the 2nd place, students Kholmurodov Odilbek and Abdunazarov Shokhzod of pediatric faculty received the 3rd place.

  The conference was held at a high organizational level, the organizing committee thanked all participants for their active participation and presentations.

Press service SamSMU