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Field lectures in Ishtikhan district of the Samarkand region

  A senior lecturer of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities of Samarkand State Medical University, Sherzod Majidov, held visiting lectures for the residents of makhallas (eng. local government) of Ishtikhan district of Samarkand region on April 5-6. Makhallas' activists, responsible for spiritual-educational work, teachers of general education schools, students and their parents attended the meetings.

  During educational meetings at secondary school #58 of Mevali village of "Kiyot" makhalla and secondary school #35 of "Zhura Mahmudov" makhalla Mr. Mazhidov spoke in detail about priority directions and tasks identified in the Strategy of New Uzbekistan, reforms implemented in education and healthcare, the need to raise awareness on ongoing reforms in the country with the population at the local level. Representatives of the district's creative intellectuals also made comments at the meetings.

  The participants highly evaluated the positive changes taking place in education and healthcare, conditions, privileges and preferences created by state for entrepreneurs to organize private education institutions and medical clinics, as well as the transformation of Samarkand State Medical University, the main source of medical personnel, wishing the university new successes in training highly qualified personnel for the fields of practical healthcare.

  Detailed explanations were provided to all questions asked by the participants. Outreach meetings continue in the districts of the province.

Press Service of SamSMU