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Professors and teachers of SamSMI in schools of Koshrabad district at the institute

  In accordance with the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education” and “On Local Public Authorities” in order to study and solve problems associated with improving the quality and effectiveness of education in the public education system of the region, improve the interaction between secondary schools and higher education institutions, the decree № 10-7-0-Q/22 of January 11, 2022 by Samarkand regional Khokimiyat (eng. Government) “On improving the quality of education in schools that ranked last in the Samarkand region”. 15 general education schools of Koshrabad district of our region were affiliated to our institute.

  In accordance with the decree of Samarkand region khokimiyat 15 general education schools of Koshrabad district of our region have been affiliated to the Samarkand State Medical Institute.On February 14, members of faculty and active students of the Institute visited a number of schools of the district. During the visit, the following activities were organized and implemented:

  - Students of affiliated schools and youth underwent medical examination by professors and teachers of clinical departments of the institute. About 50 computers were donated by the Institute to 15 of these schools.

  In addition, as part of the “Yashil makon” (eng. “Green Space”) and “Yashil yillik” (eng. “Green Year”) campaigns, more than 500 fruit and ornamental seedlings were planted in all 15 schools of the district.

  - In order to promote healthy lifestyles in secondary school № 2 of Koshrabad district, teachers and students of the Faculty of Dentistry under the motto “Bright Smile” held an explanatory talk with schoolchildren, carried out a medical examination and gave necessary instructions to them.

  - Various performances and folk songs played by the staff of the House of Culture and talented students of SamSMI were presented to pupils of affiliated schools in the House of Culture of Aktepa village.

  - Employees of Department of Biochemistry within the above-mentioned campaigns planted fruit trees during their visit to school № 70 of Koshrabad district, employees and students of the Faculty of Dentistry provided medical examinations of pupils, and open classes were conducted for school graduates.

  A printer and laboratory equipment were also donated to the school.

  - More than 50 samples of fiction and world literature, over 20 electronic textbooks on chemistry, physics and biology were given to school №11 of Koshrabad district. The chemical laboratory of the school was fully equipped, a TV set with virtual laboratory and a set of tools for using the virtual laboratory, as well as a projector for the physics classroom were given to the school in order to conduct high quality lessons.In addition, the students of the school were provided with a modern sewing machine, in order for the students to learn needlework and sewing, as well as to spend their free time productively.

  Most importantly, 20 exemplary and talented students from these schools were awarded SamSMI scholarships. This scholarship will be paid monthly.

SamSMI Press Service