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Final State Attestation of Clinical Residents of SamSMI

  The issue of training quality and competent medical personnel is a requirement of the present time. And this requirement is directly addressed to medical universities. It is important to organize the educational process in medical schools at a high level. Undoubtedly, correctness and transparency of educational process and examinations are an important aid in training qualified specialists.

  In particular, SamSMI, like other institutions of higher education, has undergone an attestation process of Clinical residents. Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Nargiza Yarmukhamedova and Vice Rector for Research and Innovation Shukhrat Ziyadullayev took part in this process and wished success to them.

  For reference, 26 residents in obstetrics and gynecology, 6 - in endocrinology, 18 - in cardiology, 4 - in general surgery and 3 - in maxillofacial surgery, a total of 57 residents successfully met the requirements for the final state attestation.

SamSMI Press Service