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The structure of the department

Umirzakov Zakir Bahriddinovich

Head of the Department of Epidemiology.

Reception time: Monday-Saturday: 08:30-17:00
Phone: +998 (94) 444 57 47

E-mail: zokir_ya@inbox.ru

Samarkand region, Samarkand city 69 Beruni Street


Ermanov Rustam Temirovich

Assistant of the Department of Epidemiology

The subject of the course:

Epidemiology. Military epidemiology

Phone: +998 (97) 578 26 66
Courses that take place: 3, 4, 5

Valieva Marxabo Usmanovna

Assistant of the Department of Epidemiology

The subject of the course:

Epidemiology. Military epidemiology


+998 (99) 790 23 39

Courses that take place:

3, 4, 5

Mamirov Asamidin Egamberdievich

Assistant of the Department of Epidemiology

The subject of the course:

Epidemiology. Military epidemiology


+998 (97) 391 30 18

Courses that take place:

3, 4, 5

Kabilov Nadir Nuriddinovich

Trainee Assistant of the Department of Epidemiology

The subject of the course:

Epidemiology. Military epidemiology


+998 (97) 508 91 91

Courses that take place:

3, 4, 5

Mamatkulov Talat Tohirovich

Trainee Assistant of the Department of Epidemiology

The subject of the course:

Epidemiology. Military epidemiology


+998 (91) 399 94 44

Courses that take place:

3, 4, 5

Nuriddinov Axmad Muhammadiyevich

Assistant of the Department of Epidemiology

The subject of the course:

Epidemiology. Military epidemiology


+998 (97) 405 55 22

Courses that take place:

3, 4, 5

Berdirasulov Dilshod Kodirovich

Assistant of the Department of Epidemiology

The subject of the course:

Epidemiology. Military epidemiology


+998 (94) 539 73 82

Courses that take place:

3, 4, 5