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Medical and pedagogical faculty

Daminov Feruz Asadullayevich

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Reception hours: Monday-Saturday: 08: 30-17: 00
Tel: (0366) 233-12-74
Fax: (0366) 233-71-75
E-mail: feruzdaminov1986@gmail.com
Address: Samarqand sh., Аmir Temur koʼchasi, 18 uy

Field of knowledge: health care
Field of study: 7111000 - vocational education (medical work)
Professional qualifications:
Qualification: doctor of medical specialties (doctor)
Duration of study: 6 years
Form of education: full-time


1. Psychiatry, medical psychiology and narcology. Head of the Department Velilyaeva A.S.

2. General surgery. Head of the Department Sherbekov U.A.

3. Informatics and Information Technologies Head of the Department Malikov M.R.

4. Pedagogy and psychology. Head of the Department Razykova L.T.

5. Medical, biological physics. Head of the Department Sodikov N.O.

6. Humanitarian sciences. Head of the Department Makhmudova A.N.

7. Foreign languages. Head of the Department Safarova U.A.

8. Uzbek language and literature with Russian. Head of the Department Dzhamaldinova Sh.O.

9. Internal diseases -3. Head of the department Shodikulova G.Z.

10.Endocrinology. Head of the Department Negmatova G.Sh.

11. Medical rehabilitation, sports and traditional medicine. Head Department of Mavlyanov Z.F.

12. Civil protection, physical training and sports. Head of the department Murotov M.Sh.

13.Dermatovenereology. Head of the department Ashirov Z.F.


Urunov Bahodir Muminovich
Deputy Dean for 1-3 courses,

as well as for spiritual and educational work
Reception hours:: Monday-Saturday: 08: 30-17: 00
Tel.: (998) 985739924
E-mail: urunov1961@mail.ru


Deputy Dean for 2.4 courses

Reception time: Monday-Saturday: 08: 30-17: 00

Tel .: (998) 915319294

E-mail: tolibturaev886@gmail.com

Temirov Fazliddin Nuriddinovich

Deputy Dean for 5.6 courses

Reception hours: Monday-Saturday: 08: 30-17: 00

Tel.: (998) 973933152

E-mail: fazli0122@gmail.com


  The faculty was opened in 2005 at the initiative of the rector of the institute AM Shamsiev. Such faculties were established in the Republic in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 343 of August 16, 2001 for the training of general practitioners, as well as doctors and teachers for medical colleges and institutes. In 2005, 50 students were admitted to the first year, and enrollment began on September 1. It should be noted that in 2012, the faculty consisted of 50 graduates-doctors, 4 of whom were awarded honorary diplomas. Since the establishment of the faculty, much has been done to improve the quality of education, new methods of practical training are being developed. The e-learning system sammi.moodle.uz has all the necessary materials for the study of subjects and a bank of tests, tests of picture and situational problems to monitor the teaching and knowledge of students.
  The departments of the faculty have 5 educational and clinical bases, 6 lecture halls, more than 30 classrooms. In addition, hospitals, clinics, computers and classrooms are equipped with modern teaching furniture, computers and multimedia projectors. The departments are equipped with phantom classes that develop practical skills. Computers available in all departments are connected to the Internet for teaching and research.
Today, the number of students studying in the 1st to 6th courses of the faculty is 622 people. Every year more than 100 students are admitted to the faculty.
  The forms and methods of the educational process are constantly updated and improved. In order to integrate the education of Uzbekistan with the European educational community, the faculty has been studying for 6 years in the credit-module system in accordance with the Bologna educational process. To this end, in the pedagogical process, more emphasis is placed on methods such as independent preparation of students, solving test problems, acquisition of practical skills. The rating system allows for more creative use of teaching and control methods, taking into account the individual preparation of students
  Great attention is also paid to students' research work. Materials on the results of scientific research are reported to the scientific councils of the faculty, conferences, and the work is published in scientific collections. Candidate scholarships are awarded based on the results of research. Admission to master's and residency is on a competitive basis.
  The best students will be awarded the Presidential Scholarship of Uzbekistan, the Ibn Sina State Scholarship and other candidate scholarships.

  The institute of coaching at the faculty is also functioning effectively. In order to improve the educational work among students, coaches were appointed from the professors of the institute to the academic groups of students. In modern society, despite the acceleration of physical maturity in the spheres of life, social and psychological concepts based on self-affirmation as a person, the need for communication, the desire of adolescents to grow up, lead to the formation of a new worldview.

  Particular attention is paid to the preparation of graduate courses for state certification. In recent years, graduate students take practical final exams, in accordance with which the staff of faculties and graduate departments carry out a large amount of organizational and methodological work.
Lectures and clinical conferences with the participation of professors from leading universities and research institutes of the republic, CIS and foreign countries help students to teach the faculty with high pedagogical


  The following deans contributed to the formation and development of the faculty: Professor Shavazi Nurali Mamedovich (2005-2007), Associate Professor of Submedicine and Pathological Anatomy Abdullaev Bakhtiyor Saidovich (2007-2012), Associate Professor of Surgery Ruzibaev Sanjar Abdusalomovich (2012-2017) , Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Oripov Firdavs Suratovich (2018-2020), since February 2020, the faculty is headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences Mamaradjabov Sobirjon Ergashevich. His deputies are the teacher of biophysics, informatics and information technologies, candidate of technical sciences Urakov Shokir Ulashovich, Urunov Bahodir Muminovich and the senior teacher of biophysics, informatics and information technologies Burkhonov Bakhtiyor Nabievich, the inspector of faculty - Kholova Salomat Mamatovna.


  As the sages of the East have said: "Education is inseparable from upbringing, and vice versa, education is inseparable from education." The faculty prepares doctors and teachers, so in the training of highly qualified personnel, special attention is paid to spiritual and educational work. The motto of our faculty: "High spirituality is an invincible force." Our first President I.A. Karimov's book under this title is the main guide of every employee and student of every faculty. Spiritual and educational work is carried out at the beginning of the school year according to the plan approved by the Vice-Rector for Spiritual and Educational Affairs
  One of the main activities of the faculty is the formation of moral values in students, their interest in their professional activities, the need for a healthy lifestyle, their involvement in social and cultural activities of the institute. To carry out these tasks, the faculty has a board of tutors, who carry out their activities in accordance with the approved plan. Each group of the faculty has a coach, who is selected from experienced teachers. In order to spend their free time meaningfully, the students of the faculty are involved in public events, amateur initiatives under the guidance of coaches, visit the historical monuments and sights of Samarkand and the Republic, theaters and museums.
  Students of the faculty take part in various creative competitions held in the Republic. Great attention is paid to physical culture and sports. Students of the faculty take part in swimming, tennis, chess, football, basketball, volleyball, national wrestling, martial arts, athletics, which operate on the basis of the sports complex of our institute. They also took an active part in regional and national sports competitions.
  Cultural and mass work is aimed at the meaningful organization of students' leisure time. One of the main activities of the faculty is the formation of high moral values in students, the development of interest in professional activities, the need for a healthy lifestyle, the involvement of students in cultural and public events of the institute. To carry out these tasks, the faculty has a board of tutors, whose activities are carried out in accordance with the approved plan. Each group of the faculty is assigned a coach appointed from among experienced teachers. Under the guidance of coaches, students of the faculty take an active part in public events, organize cultural events, visit the historical monuments and sights of Samarkand, theaters and museums.

Travel with a coaching team

  Spiritual and educational work is carried out on the basis of the approved plan, according to which various events are held in cooperation with historical dates, national holidays, sports competitions, law enforcement agencies, law enforcement agencies, spiritual centers and other partner organizations.

On October 21, on the occasion of the Uzbek Language Day, a wreath was laid at the feet of A. Navoi

  Each curator has a work plan based on which various activities are conducted with the coaching team. Each curator has information about each student and his or her daily life. There are also albums and CDs featuring event scenes. The dean and vice deans of the faculty meet regularly with group coaches and students. Every Thursday, classes begin with an introduction to “information hour” materials.

Participation of the deputy dean of the faculty in the national holiday "Navruz"

The action "Ecology" was organized on the occasion of October 18 "Samarkand City Day"


  Educational and methodical work at the faculty is organized in accordance with the educational legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
1. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" (August 29, 1997).
2. National Training Program (August 29, 1997).
3. "Regulations on higher education" dated January 9, 2003. Approved by OUMTV.
4. 5510200 State educational standard in the field of "Pediatrics".
5. Standard and working curricula in the field of "pediatric work" approved by OOMU.
7. “Regulations on the rating system of control and assessment of students' knowledge in higher education institutions” amended and supplemented by the order of OUMTV dated August 25, 2010 № 333.
8. Order of the Rector of SamMI No. 43 of September 2, 2013 "On the organization of training in the modular system at the Institute."
9. Order of the Rector of SamMI No. 951 / U dated December 19, 2013 "On the organization of training at the Institute in the system of intranet e-learning moodle.sammi.uz".
10. "Recommendations for the assessment and control of students' knowledge in the organization of the educational process in the credit-modular system," approved by the protocol No. 9 of June 15, 2016.


  Employees of the departments of the faculty are actively involved in research work. The scientific and technical level of research is at a high methodological and modern level.
  Research work on the topic "Protection of maternal and child health" plays an important role in the development of medical science of the faculty. At the same time, taking into account the regional specifics, the work on diagnosis, prevention and VOCATIONAL training of women and children is carried out in accordance with the region. The results of the research will find their place in practice and VOCATIONAL EDUCATION will improve the quality of preventive measures.
  More than 70 teachers of the faculty have improved their skills in major centers abroad, many of our teachers have participated in prestigious international conferences and drew attention to the relevance of their speeches. The research work of the faculty is published in international, national and local publications.
  Participation of students in the work of scientific circles (SNO) is an integral part of the work process of the faculty. 740 students are actively involved in the clubs. Their research papers are presented annually at conferences of young scientists, the best works are sent to inter-university conferences, and each year they win 15-20 prizes. These are taken into account in the process of recommending students to gain experience abroad when entering doctoral studies at the end of pre-diploma education, when the dean's office assigns scholarships to students.

  Employees of the faculty and department at the National Conference of Informatics "Application of digital technologies in medicine"


  The departments of the institute are working hard to organize research work with gifted students. Each department has a scientific circle of students, which prepares future doctors and teachers for scientific and practical activities. The topics of the circle meetings are varied, allowing students to choose from a range of research interests. The faculty is systematically working to identify talented young people and work with them. Every year, students of the faculty participate in the Republican Olympiads in various disciplines and win.
  Participation in various international and international scientific conferences is the result of the activities of various circles. Every year, students of the Faculty of Medical Pedagogy participate in international medical conferences and win first-class diplomas and commemorative gold medals.

  Participation of students in the work of scientific circles is an integral part of the educational process in the work of the faculty. It employs more than 150 students. The materials of research works are published annually at the conference of young scientists of the university, and the best works are annually submitted to inter-university scientific conferences, which win 10-15 prizes. This allows the dean’s office to think about post-graduate education, the appointment of nominal scholarships for students, the selection of candidates for research work, postgraduate studies, advanced training abroad, and so on.

3 students of the faculty became the winners of the "Rector's Scholarship" introduced at the institute



Academic degree



Mamaradjabov Sobirjon Ergashevich


Council, Faculty of Medical Pedagogy.


Olimzoda Parvina


Lecturer at the department of languages, secretary of the Board


Yarmuxammedova Nargiza Anvarovna



Vice rector for academic Affairs


Sodikov Naim Ochilovich



Head of the Department of Medical Biological Physics


Malikov Murod Rasulovich


Head of the Department of informatics AT.


Razыkova Lola Tuychievna


C. Ph.S

Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology


Sherbekov Ulugbek Axrorovich



Head of the Department of General Surgery


Murtazaev Zafar Isrofilovich



Associate Professor of General Surgery


Velilyaeva Alie Sabrievna


Head of the department of Psychiatry, Medical Psychology and Addiction


Safarova Umida Aliaskarovna


Head of the Department of the Languages


Maxmudova Aziza Nugmanovna


Head of the Department of humanities and socio-economic sciences


Urakov Shokir Ulashevich


Lecturer at the Department of informatics and IT, Deputy dean of the Faculty of Medical Pedagogy


Urunov Baxodir Muminovich

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of medical Pedagogy


Babaeva Dilbar Xabibdjanovna


Senior Lecturer Department of Languages


Burxonov Baxtier Nabievich


Senior Lecturer Department of Medical Biological Physics


Jalilov Muxiddin Xalimovich


Lecturer, Department of medical Biological Physics


Ochilov Ulugbek Usmonovich


Lecturer, department of Psychiatry Medical Psychology and Addiction.


Raxmatova Fotima Ganievna


Senior Lecturer, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology


Djamaldinova Shaxlo Obloberdievna

Head of Department of Uzbek Language and Literature in Russian


Tohirova Farida Alimzhanovna

Trainee Assistant of the Department of Informatics and Information Technologies


Kosimova Ozoda Khudainazarova


Assistant of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology


Shodikulova Gulandom Zikiriyaevna


acting professor

Head of the Department of Internal Medicine-3


Zhuraev Sobir Amonovich


Assistant of the Department of Internal Medicine -3


Ashirov Zohijon Fayozzhonovich

Head of the Department of Dermotovenerology


Abdullaev Hasan Davlatovich

Assistant Trainee at the Department of Dermotovenerology


Negmatova Gulzoda Shukhratovna

Head of the Department of Endocrinology


Sobirova Dilnoza Shukhratovna

Assistant of the Department of Endocrinology


Mavlyanova Zilola Farhadovna


Head of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine


Ravshanova Maftuna Zohijonovna

Assistant at the Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine


Murodov Muzafar Shermatovich

Head of the Department of Civil Protection, Physical Training and Sports


Nuriddinov Akhmad Mukhammadievich

Assistant of the Department of Civil Protection, Physical Training and Sports