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History of the department

    The Department of Microbiology was organized in 1931. Its organizer was the head. Department of Histology SamMI , Professor SEMENOV Grigory Mikhailovich , widely educated doctor; in addition to his specialty, he was interested in issues of helminthology and the history of medicine; at the Uzbek Scientific Research Institute, he led the work of the serological department. When the need arose to organize the teaching of microbiology at SamMI , Professor G.M. Semenov assisted the institute in organizing the department of microbiology and gave lectures to 2nd year students during the 1931-1932 academic year .

Professor G. M. Semenov

    The first assistant of the Department of Microbiology since 1930 was Sergei Ivanovich GRISHIN , who since 1934 served as an assistant professor, and in 1935 г. he received the academic title of associate professor. S. I. Grishin worked at the Department of Microbiology of SamMI until 1938. In 1938 he was appointed director of the Uzbek Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology.

S.I. Grishin

    In 1931 AKHMEDZHANOV Yunus began working as an assistant dissector Akhmedzhanovich , in 1932 he was transferred to the position of assistant, where he worked until 1935. then he went to work at the Uzbek Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. Akhmedzhanov Yu. A. worked for many years as an assistant professor at the Department of Microbiology at the Tashkent Medical Institute (1967) headed this department. He is the author of the first textbook of medical microbiology for students of medical institutes in the Uzbek language.

Yu.A. Akhmedzhonov

    In 1932 Following a competition, Professor Petr Aleksandrovich Alisov was elected to the position of head of the Department of Microbiology . He headed the department from 1932 until the end of 1935. and then moved to the permanent position of head. Department of Infectious Diseases.

P.A. Alisov

    After Professor P. A. Alisova transferred to the Department of Infectious Diseases, the head of the department was entrusted for some time to acting cent . S. I. Grishin. In 1936, the head of the department was taken over by Professor Sergei Sergeevich Rechmensky , who headed the department until the end of the 1937-1938 academic year. During this time, he wrote and defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “On the essence of the Wasserman reaction .”

S.S. Rechmensky

    In May 1939 for the position of manager A senior researcher at the Uzbek Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Professor Fyodor Iosifovich Shevchenko, was elected to the department ; he began fulfilling his duties on August 1, 1939. December 12, 1940 He defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Vaccines and vaccination against typhoid fever.” April 26, 1941 At a meeting of the Higher Attestation Commission he was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences and the title of professor by the Department of Microbiology.


    After the death of Professor F.I. Shevchenko, from 1970 to 1995, the department was headed by Professor M.A. Akhtamov. The new employees of the department were K. A. Sidikova, K. E Egamberdiev, Sharipov M. Sh., Akhmedov A. A., Nasriddinov N. K., Shangirova Z. T., Azizovlar. In 1990 M.A. Akhtamov was recognized as an “Honored Worker of the UzSSR.” Under his leadership, 2 doctoral and 18 candidate dissertations were defended.

M.A. Akhtamov

    From 1995 to 2010, the department was headed by Professor A.Kh. Rakhimov . He is the author of more than 120 scientific papers and has trained 1 candidate of medical sciences.


    After the death of Professor A. Kh. Rakhimov, from 2010 to 2012, senior lecturer Shaikulov Hamza Shodievich became the head of the microbiology, virology and immunology course. During this period, associate professor Sidikova Karomat Azizovna, assistants Muratova Zberziat Takhirovna, Khudayarova Gavkhar Nurmamatovna, Sirozhiddinova Khiromon, Mamatova Zamira Baratovna and laboratory assistant Kodirova P. worked at the department.

Kh. Sh Shaikulov

    In the period from 2012 to 2014, the department was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences Sadinov Pakhlavon Omonovich. Employees of the department: senior teacher Shaikulov Hamza Shodievich, assistants Muratova Zberziat Takhirovna, Khudayarova Gavkhar Nurmamatovna, Yusupov Mashrab Ismatillaevich, Boboeva. N.

P.O Sadinov

    In 2017, the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology became an independent department and from October 2017 to 2020 the head was Ph.D. Vakhidova Adolat Mamatkulovna. During this period, candidates of biological sciences worked at the department. Boltaev Komil Sultonovich, Shaykulov Hamza Shodievich, Muratova Zberziat Takhirovna, Khudayarova Gavhar Nurmamatovna, Yusupov Mashrab Ismatillaevich, Odilova Gulnoza Makhsudovna, Mamarasulova Nafisa Isrofilovna, Oripova Pokiza Olimovna, Balayan Emma Vladimirovna, Khuzhakulov Davron Abdukhakimovich, Bobokandova Mekhriniso Fazliddinovna and laboratory assistant Mamatova Ozoda Bahramovna.

A.M. Vakhidova

    From September 2020 to the present, the department is headed by PhD Yusupov Mashrab Ismatillovich . He began his career as a teacher at the department in 2014. Yusupov Mashrab Ismatillovich took part in the competition announced by the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation under the Ministry of Education in 2019, became a scholarship holder and underwent advanced training at the RMANPE Institute of the Russian Federation. Actively participated in measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection in 2020. He did not limit himself to his field, he also distinguished himself in the socio-political sphere, in the “New Uzbekistan - New Worldview” program. Students under the guidance of Yusupov M.I. participate in various international conferences and international impiads in microbiology, and occupy places of honor.

Yusupov Mashrab Ismatillayevich