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Activities organized by the youth union

  Today, more than 60 per cent of our population is made up of young people. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. M. Mirzieev June 30, 2017 was proclaimed a day of education youth Union of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the "Day of youth".

  The youth Union of Uzbekistan is a youth organization that is engaged in the consistent implementation of the state youth policy, comprehensive support for young people, improving the system of protection of their rights and legitimate interests, taking into account the views and suggestions of the General public, especially young people.

  The main goal of the youth Union of Uzbekistan is to educate the youth of the country modern, spiritually and intellectually developed, able to withstand the challenges and threats of mass culture and committed to the ideals of our independence individuals.

  The main objectives of the youth Union are to involve young people in the implementation of democratic, political and economic reforms in the country, to increase its role in strengthening peace and harmony in society, to effectively protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the younger generation, to increase the spiritual and professional level of young men and women, to assist in the realization of their intellectual and creative potential.
  The youth Union of Uzbekistan is entrusted with a number of new important tasks to increase the activity of young people in the process of reforms carried out within the framework of the development action Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021.

  The primary organization of the Sammi youth Union began its activities on September 5, 2017 of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the decision of the constituent Assembly of the initiative youth of the Institute.

Festive event on the Defender of the Fatherland Day on January 14

Every semester, the rector's fellows are awarded certificates

Navoi "Bird Language" performed by students of the Institute

Esports sports competition

Armwrestling Youth Union Cup

Festive meeting "Day of Memory and Honors" on May 9

Charity event at boarding school No. 61

  SSMI youth Union supports students ' initiatives, studying their problems and presenting them to the leadership, actively participates in educational, scientific, spiritual and educational activities of the Institute. Special attention is paid to work with low-income students in need of social protection. On a regular basis, interviews with students living in dormitories, various socio-political and educational activities with the involvement of student activists. Thanks to the regular work carried out in recent years, the role of the youth Union among students has increased significantly.