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Endocrinology course

egmatova Gulzoda Shukhratovna

Head of the Department of Endocrinology

Время приема:

Monday - Saturday at 15:00.

Тел: +998977220333
E-mail: gulzoda2111@gmail.com
Адрес: Atakhodzhaeva Street 63, Samarkand

Department staff

FULL NAME Position
Negmatova Gulzoda Shukhratovna Head of the Department of Endocrinology
Khalimova Zamira Yusupov

professor of the department

Kurbonova Nozima Sobirjonovna.


Djurayeva Zilola Aramovna.


Sabirova Dilnoza Shuxratovna. Assistant
Togayeva Gulnora Siddikovna. Assistant
Davranova Aziza Davranovna.Assistant
Muminov Otamurod Beknazarovich


Kamalov Timur Mahmudovich


Yuldashev Umid Kakhromonovich Assistant
Azimbegova Sitora Nodirovna Assistant
Bakhrieva Nigora Naimovna Assistant
Mansurova Gulsum Zainitdinovna Assistant
Sodikov Samad Saloxiddinovich Assistant
Kodirov Avaz Eshmamatovich Assistant


  In 1978, by order of the rector of SamMI, a course of endocrinology was organized on the basis of the Regional Endocrinological Dispensary, located at ul. Beruni, 3. From the beginning of the course, Khalikova L.U. was appointed head.

  Employees of the department have completed advanced training courses in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of the republic. Education dos. Ilyukhin V.N. and assistants Yudina N. and Arefyanova

  S.A. worked with 4th and 6th year students. The course also prepared specialists in the entire field. The course was enriched because the need for endocrinologists was very high. Assistants were accepted from doctors

  who had completed clinical residency - Pulatova Sh.Z., Khalilova Z.Kh., Turaeva T.Yu., Mulatzhanova M.E.

In 2005, a course of endocrinology was organized under the guidance of Professor Kh.T. Khamraev.

  Aryants S.G., Mansurova G.Z., Nurbekova D.N., Khusanov Kh.Sh., Salamova Sh.E. who worked and each of whom contributed to the development of the department.

  In 2017, in connection with the transfer to the Department of Pediatrics SamTI, MD, prof. Khamrayeva Kh.T., Ph.D. Karimova N.A. became the head of the course.

  From the 2021-2022 academic year, the Department of Endocrinology was created on the basis of the endocrinology course.

  The head of the department of endocrinology was appointed Negmatova G.Sh.


  Caring for the younger generation, striving to bring up a healthy, harmoniously developed person is one of the features of the national character of the Uzbek people. Therefore, spiritual and educational work is the most important direction of the Department of Endocrinology. Spiritual and educational work at the department is carried out on a regular basis according to the approved plan. The leader of this work is the teacher - Togaeva G.S. coordinates and organizes.

  Professors and teachers work at the department among students:

  Familiarization with the works and speeches of President Mirziyoyev, decrees and decrees of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as spiritual and educational work to educate a harmoniously developed generation, to increase and improve the universal, national and spiritual worldview of youth. holds conferences.

  • successful implementation and development of creative reforms in the country;
  • formation of a philosophy of a healthy lifestyle among students;
  • improving the political and legal culture of students;
  • timely inform students about social, political and creative events in the world and the country;
  • formation of a healthy spiritual environment among students;
  • organization of students' leisure in accordance with the direction and specialization of the educational institution, the organization of various clubs;

Conference of the staff of the department with masters and clinical residents.

Togaeva G.S. conducts a lesson with students.

Information about the results of research and
publication of employees of the department of endocrinology.
Employees of the department 14 people Approved dissertations 5 people
4 dissertations prepared for defense
Articles and abstracts are published in the country, abroad, in the Scopus, Web of Science databases, participate in scientific conferences.