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Department of traumatology and orthopedics of the pediatric faculty

Mamatkulov Oybek Kholikovich
Head of the Department of traumatology and orthopedics.

Reception time: Dushanba-Shanba: 08:30-17:00
Tel: +998915556264
Address: Samarkand, Kozizoda Rumi street 78


Full name Position
Mamatkulov Oybek Kholikovich Head of the department
Urinboev Payzilla Urinboevich Professor
Akhtamov Azam
Ibragimov Sadulla Yusupovich Docent
Mansurov Djalolidin Shamsidinovich
Turaev Berkin Turaevich PhD
Mamatkulov Komil Mardonovich PhD
Eranov Nurali Fayzievich Assistant
Ashirov Mavlon Umirzakovich Assistant
Juraev Ilkhom Gulomovich Assistant
Gafurov Farrukh Abdualievich Assistant
Akhtamov Azim Azamovich Assistant
Shopulatov Iskandar Bakhtiyorovich Assistant
Tilyakov Khasan Azizovich Assistant
Eranov Sherzod Nuralievich Assistant
Kholkhujaev Farrukh Ikromovich Assistant
Jalilov Husan Mukhitdinovich Assistant
Kahhorov Azizbek Sirojiddinovich Assistant


  The Department of traumatology and orthopedics of the Samarkand medical Institute was established in 1964 on the basis of the city United hospital No. 2, and since then the hospital has been transformed into a trauma hospital. In 1964, the head of the Department was appointed the organizer of the Department, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor P. N. Korolenko.

In 1953, p. N. Karlenko defended his doctoral dissertation on "Pelvic osteomyelitis from gunpowder". Published more than 50 scientific papers, prepared 2 candidates.

  From 1965 to 1973, the Department was headed by doctor of medical Sciences, Professor P. Z. Zavesa. Pavel Zinovievich graduated from the Rostov medical Institute in 1941. Participant of the great Patriotic war. In 1969, he defended his doctoral dissertation on "Deformed arthrosis of the knee joint". He and his students (Ph. D. S. sh. Abdushukurov, Ph. D. G. L. Shlensky, Ph. D. D. G. Ilyasov, Ph. D. S. Yu. Ibragimov) devoted their scientific work to degenerative and dystrophic diseases of the joints, biochemical changes in injuries, and the use of medical oxygen. Prepared 4 candidates of medical Sciences. Author of more than 60 scientific papers and one monograph.

  In those years, the Department was headed by associate Professor Yu. ya. shvabe, assistant Ph. D. S. sh. Abdushukurov, assistant Ph. D. Ilyasov D. G., assistant Karimova Kh. R., post-graduate student Ibragimov S. Yu., clinical resident Urinboev P. S.

Professor P. Z. Zavesa, years of the head of the Department (1965-1973) with staff. 1 - row, to the left 4th - Professor P. Z. Zavesa.

  1st row from left: Ph. D. Vohidov A. Z., assistant PhD Fogelman A. Y, assistant, PhD Karimov R., docent Schwabe Y. J., Ph. D. Negmatullaev B. N., assistant PhD Abdushukurov S. S., assistant PhD Gusakov J. X.; 2nd row from left 3rd - PhD Urinboev P.U, assistant PhD Abdullaev S.A., assistant PhD Ibragimov S., assistant Farhadi V.

1973 to 1982 the Department was headed by docent Y. J. Schwabe

  Y. J. Schwabe studied the issues of vegetative-historical, metabolic, and pathological changes in the body of patients with tuberculosis spondylitis, as well as the treatment of fractures of the knee joint. Published more than 30 scientific papers, prepared 3 candidates of medical Sciences. During this period, in 1977, a course of military field surgery was attached to the Department. PhD Vakhidov A.Z., PhD Negmatullayev B.N., PhD Voigelman A.Y., PhD Abdullayev S.A. worked in the Department.

  Professor Tilyakov B. T. headed the Department from 1982 to 1996. In 1965, he graduated from the Samarkand medical Institute, and in 1972, he defended his dissertation on "Diagnosis and treatment of ulnar nerve injuries". In 1983, under the guidance of Moscow academician M. V. Volkov, he defended his doctoral dissertation at MTOITI on the topic "Complex treatment of outdated injuries of the elbow joint using hinge-distraction devices".

  In those years, collecting chairs was extended by Ph. D. Khushvakov J.X., assistant Farkhadi V, PhD Urinboev P.U., PhD Turakulov Sh.Kh, PhD Schwabe L.Y. and assistant Eranov N.F.
  At the moment Prof. Tilyakov B.T. works at the Department and teaches undergraduates. He is engaged in endoprosthetics of large joints in the Department of adult orthopedics, as well as hardware-surgical treatment of post-traumatic contractures of the knee and elbow joints.
  He is the author of more than 150 scientific papers, 10 textbooks, 6 inventions and 1 monograph. Under his leadership, 5 PhD theses were defended.

Head of Department Professor of Urinboev Paizulla Urinboev

  From 1996 to 2016, he was the head of the Department, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor. in 1972, he graduated from the Samarkand medical Institute. In 1977, he defended his dissertation on "Treatment of incomplete fractures of the humerus in children" at the CITO in Moscow, and in 1995, he defended his doctoral dissertation on "Treatment of fractures of the distal end of the humerus in children" in Tashkent.
  He published 180 scientific papers, 1 monograph, 15 textbooks, 5 patents for inventions, and made 24 rational proposals. Prepared 2 candidates of medical Sciences.

  Takes an active part in the social life of the Institute. From 1992 to 1993, he worked in the admissions Committee, Secretary of the academic Council of the Institute (1996-2004), was a member of the network methodological Commission on surgical problems, and was a member of the editorial Board of the journal "Bulletin of the General practitioner", was a scientific supervisor of doctoral and PhD theses of 3 postgraduates and 3 researchers.

Under the supervision of Urinbaev P.U., 2 PhD theses were defended

  Since 1996, he was a member of the Specialized Council D 0870701 at the Central research Institute of traumatology and orthopedics, an active participant. Urinbaev P.U. highly trained trauma surgeon, an orthopedic surgeon. Under his leadership, the Regional hospital of traumatology and orthopedics (chief physician Salimov M.R.) monitors the scientific basis of prevention, diagnosis and treatment and shows current trends. Lectures to students of medical, pediatric, medical and pedagogical faculties. Every year, the Department trains 7-10 clinical residents. Currently, 32 residents of the master's program are studying.


  Every Thursday of the week, an information hour lecture is held with professors, teachers, clinical residents and students (responsible N. F. Eranov).

The theme of the information hour is November 18, the day of adoption of the flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan (responsible N. F. Ekranov).The theme of the information hour is November 18, the day of adoption of the flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan (responsible N. F. Ekranov).


Published a manual, guidelines, and a list of recommendations

1. Degenerative-dystrophic diseases of large joints. (Authors: Akhtamov A.A., Akhtamov A.A., Juraev I.G.)
2. Complications of cerebral palsy and polio in children. (Authors: Akhtamov A.A., Akhtamov A.A., Juraev I.G.)
3. Scoliosis and comatose disorders. (Authors: Pardaev S.N., Kholkhujaev F.I., Ashirov M.U.)
4. Treatment of fractures of the shoulder girdle and humerus in children. (Authors Urinbaev P. U., Eranov Sh. N.)
5. Surgical treatment of blockage of fractures and dislocations of the head of the lumbar bone in children. (Authors: Eranov Sh.N., Urinbaev P.U., Eranov N.F.)

Plan of cooperation with other scientific organizations of the Department, higher educational institutions

  The Department of traumatology and orthopedics of the Samarkand state medical Institute cooperates with the I. A. Yunusov Tajik state medical University, and the Department also has a close relationship with the Russian research center named after R.R. Vredin.
  Title of the joint research work: Early detection, treatment and prevention of pelvic joint dysplasia and button dislocation in infants.
  Responsible performers: Assoc. Akhtamov A. A. (SamMI) Professor, M.D. Djuraev A.M. (UzTOITI)

Inventions, patents

1. Stretch for the treatment of joint dysplasia of the hip joints and pelvic bones in children. (Patent). (Authors: Akhtamov A.A., Akhtamov A.A., Juraev I.G.)
2. Method for strengthening the spine in case of fractures of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. (Patent) (Authors: Pardaev S.N., Narkulov M. S., Karshibaev A.Y., Meliboev S.T.)
3. Program for diagnosis and treatment of pelvic bone dysplasia in adolescents. (Certificate) (Authors: Ashirov M.U., Kayumov Sh. Kh., Muradov U.K., Kuvvatov D.Kh., Usmanov O.A.)
4. "Equipment for taking x-ray images in case of suspected damage to the tibial syndesmosis with load" (Rational proposal) (Authors: Ashirov M.U., Urinboev P. Y., Salokhiy O. I., Khasanov M. E., Mizrapov F.A.)

List of scientific articles published by the Department staff in foreign and domestic journals


1. Title of the work: Method of functional treatment of congenital malformations of the thoracic girdle.
Authors: A.A. Akhtamov, A.A. Akhtamov
Registered title of the journal: Problems of medicine and biology. 2019. No. 2 Kemerovo. 227-230 p.
2. Title of the work: Method of functional treatment of congenital malformations of the thoracic and thoracic organs.
Authors: A. A. Akhtamov, A. A. Akhtamov
Registered title of the journal: Problems of medicine and biology. 2019. No. 2 Kemerovo. 227-230 p.
3. Job title: Our experience of surgical treatment non-specific spondylitis and spondylodiscitis. (article)
Authors: Telyakov H.A., Pardaev S.N., Eranov N.F., Gafurov F.A., Mamonov G.T.
Title of the mentioned journal Questions of science and education No. 26 (75) 2019. Moscow. 48-54 p.


  Head of the Department of traumatology and orthopedics, candidate of medical Sciences Mamatkulov Oybek Kholikovich

presentation of report at the conference in the Russian Federation Kurgan City scientific research institute named after G.A.Ilizarov.

  Head of the Department of traumatology and orthopedics,Mamatkulov Oybek Kholikovich presentation of report at the conference in the Italy Milan City.

  Head of the Department of traumatology and orthopedics,Mamatkulov Oybek Kholikovich presentation of report at the conference in the Republic of Korea Seoul City.