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Department of Pediatrics № 1 and Neonatology

Shavazi Nurali Mamedovich
Head of the Department of Pediatrics 1 and neonatology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy

Tel: +998982732421

Employees of the Department

Full name Position
Shavazi Nurali Mamedovich Head of the Department
Rustamov M. R. Professor of the Department
Zakirova B.I. Assistant Professor of the Department
Lim M.V. Assistant Professor of the Department
Abdukhalik-Zade G.A. Associate Professor of the Department
Ataeva M. S. Senior lecturer
Sirozhiddinova H.N.
PhD assistant
Ibragimova M.F. Assistant
Gaybullaev J.Sh. Assistant
Kardjavova G.A. Assistant Professor
Allanazarov A. B. Assistant
Nabieva Sh.M. Assistant
Usmanova M.F. Assistant
Ortikbaeva N.T. Assistant
Tukhtaeva M.M. Assistant
Babaeva N.T. Assistant

  The Department of Pediatrics №1 and Neonatology is located at the bases of the departments of emergency pediatrics, children's intensive care of the Samarkand branch of the Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Aid and the departments of neonatology and neonatal resuscitation of the Regional Multidisciplinary Children's Medical Center in Samarkand.

  The scientific activity of the department is carried out in the following areas:

- Actual problems of bronchopulmonary pathology in newborns and children.

- Actual problems of gastroduodenal pathology in children.

- Problems of pathology of the central nervous system in newborns and children.

- Hyperbilirubinemia in newborns.

  For many years, special attention has been traditionally paid to pediatrics, emergency conditions in childhood, the impact of these pathologies on the further development of the child.

The department employs: 2 professors, 3 associate professors, 1 senior teacher, 1 candidate assistant and 11 assistants.


  The Department was established in 1979, was located on the basis of the children's Department of the regional hospital and the head of the Department was appointed Professor A. Khamraev.

 In 1994, Professor M. R. Rustamov was appointed head of the Department of hospital Pediatrics of the Samarkand state medical Institute.

In 2016, Professor N. M. Shavazi was appointed head of the Department of hospital Pediatrics of the Samarkand state medical Institute.

  Since September 2021, neonatology was introduced into the structure of the department, which was formed as the department of neonatology in 1995

  Currently, at the Department of Pediatrics №1 and Neonatology, 2 professors, 3 associate professors, 1 senior teacher, 1 PhD assistant and 11 assistants carry out scientific, pedagogical and medical work.

  The staff of the department at a high professional level carry out educational and pedagogical, research, treatment and diagnostic, spiritual and educational and patronage work.

  Currently, the department is training students of 5-6 courses of pediatric, medical, medical and pedagogical in the subjects "Family medicine", "Universal progressive model" "Neonatology", 3 courses of the faculty of higher nursing in the subject "Nursing in neonatology", 4 courses of the Faculty of General Medicine, Korea group on the subject of "Neonatology", 3-4 course "Medicine (MBBS)" on the subject of "Childhood Diseases"

  In accordance with the standard and working programs of subjects, the team of the department developed and published all topics of lectures, seminars and materials for independent work of students in the form of educational and methodological recommendations and teaching aids approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The library fund of the department has a large number of teaching aids, textbooks, monographs and journals on pediatrics, neonatology and their electronic versions.

  In the period from the day of the organization of the department to the present time, the staff of the department successfully defended 11 doctoral and 26 master's theses. The staff of the department also carries out medical work: daily rounds, consultations and supervision of sick children and newborns in the departments of emergency pediatrics, children's intensive care, neonatology, neonatal resuscitation and other departments of the SF RSCEMA and RMCHMC.

  The staff of the department organizes and takes an active part in conducting scientific and practical, clinical and clinical and anatomical conferences.

  Practical health authorities of the city of Samarkand and districts of the region are provided with advisory and methodological assistance, visits are made to hospitals, polyclinics through patronage and air ambulance.

  The assistants of the department are at the same time doctors of the emergency pediatrics and neonatology departments.

  It is worth noting that all the departments of the pediatric direction of the Samarkand State Medical Institute were formed and founded by the staff of the Department of Pediatrics №1.


  One of the main activities of the department staff is the formation of high moral values among students, fostering interest in professional activities, the need for a healthy lifestyle, attracting students to cultural events of the institute.

  To accomplish these tasks, the staff of the department conducts curatorial work with students of the stream or 1-2 academic groups of the 6th year of the pediatric faculty according to the approved plan.

  On the first day, with each newcomer to the department, the department staff carries out a lot of educational work on ethics and deontology, the first lecture is also devoted to the issues of deontology in pediatrics and neonatology.

  Under the guidance of curators, students actively participate in social events, organize cultural leisure, visit historical monuments and sights of Samarkand, theaters, museums and concerts.

  Much attention is paid to physical education and sports. Students attend sports sections in swimming, tennis, chess, football, basketball, volleyball, national wrestling, martial arts, athletics, which function on the basis of the sports complex of the institute. They actively participate in both regional and Republican sports competitions. At the department, spiritual and educational work is carried out on the basis of an approved plan, according to which every Thursday the department employees begin classes with familiarizing themselves with the materials of the "Information Hour" dedicated to current issues and decisions - Resolutions of the President, the Ministry of Higher Education, historical dates, national holidays, sports competitions, etc.

Each curator has his own work plan, on the basis of which he conducts various activities with the curator group. Each curator has information about each student, his parents and daily routine. The department has albums and discs, which reflect individual memorable moments of the events held. The curators of the groups, together with the students, regularly attend meetings with the staff of the dean's office.


  Educational and methodological work at the Department is organized in accordance with educational legal documents of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

1. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on education (August 29, 1997);

2. National Training Program (August 29, 1997);

3. "Regulations on higher education" approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. (January 9, 2003);

4. State educational standard 5510200 in the field of "Pediatrics";

5. Curricula for the direction of "Pediatrics" approved by the Ministry of Higher Education;

6. Standard and working programs in sciences;

7. Approved on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan №204 of 2009 and revised in accordance with the Resolution of the Ministry № 333 of 2010 "On the rating system of monitoring and evaluation of student knowledge";

8. Approved on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 2, 2018 No. 820 and amended by the order of the Ministry № 333 of 2010 "Rating system for monitoring and evaluation of student knowledge”.


  Scientific work at the department has always been carried out in close connection with the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel and the requirements of practical health care. At present, it is aimed at solving the problems identified by the state program for the development of science and technology entitled: "Protection of the health of mothers and children, development of methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention, taking into account regional characteristics."

  In recent years (2019-2020) 3 PhD theses have been defended - M.V. Lim, H.N. Sirozhzhidinova, S.Kh. Khaidarova.

  4 monographs, 6 textbooks, 98 methodological recommendations have been published, over 722 scientific works have been published, including 204 abroad. The results of scientific research are published and introduced into the practice of health care and the educational process of medical institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The staff of the department regularly publishes a large amount of scientific literature (monographs, textbooks, articles reviewed by Scopus, Google Scholar).

  Every year, the department trains residents of the magistracy and clinical residents in the direction of "Pediatrics" and "Neonatology". The training of masters and clinical residents is carried out in accordance with the standard program, which provides for the passage of classes in the specialty, teaching and research activities. According to the curricula, the residents of the magistracy conduct scientific work on the master's projects. On the basis of the department, highly qualified personnel are trained and graduated, who regularly replenish the ranks of the staff of the pediatric departments of the Samarkand State Medical Institute and Practical Health.

  The unity of the staff of the department and departments creates a solid foundation for further fruitful work and achievements of great success in solving urgent problems in pediatrics.

  An integral part of the educational process in the work of the department is the participation of students in the work of the student scientific circle, in which 15-20 students participate annually. The materials of their research work are regularly published in both domestic and foreign literature, and are also reported annually at conferences of young scientists, where prizes are awarded, which allows them to orientate such students after graduation for further study for a master's degree and recommend them for scientific research. work, graduate school, internship abroad.