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Тhe Department of Clinical Pharmacology

Abduraxmonov Ilxom Rustamovich

head of the department

Время приема: Monday–saturday
Тел: +99891 534 08 19
E-mail: ilhomjon.lor@mail.ru
Адрес: Samarkand city, MaxdumiA’zam street 18 house.


FULL NAME Position
Abduraxmonov Ilxom Rustamovich Head of the department
Siddiqov Olim Abdullaevich Assistants
Nuralieva Ra’no Matyakubovn Assistants
To'raev Xikmatillo Nrgmatovich Assistants
Xaydarov Musomiddin Muhammadievich. Assistants
Muradova Raila Rustamovna Assistants
Begnaeva Muxiba Usmonovna Assistants
Melikova Dilshodakhon Uktamovna Assistants


  In Uzbekistan, the Department of Clinical Pharmacology was first created in 1982 by Professor of the Tashkent State Medical Institute K.N. Nadzhimutdinov. Associate professors N.G. Babaeva, R.I. Usmanov, P.S. Katz. In 1990, in connection with the organization of the II Tashkent Medical Institute, the department was headed by Professor R.I. Usmanov, associate professors A.V. Yakubov, E.B. Zueva. Since 1990, the head of the Tashkent State Medical Institute was Professor I.R. Mavlyanov. Under the leadership of the head of the department, associate professors P.S. Katz, Sh.M. Muzrabekov, L.T. Daminova, R.K. Makskamov. In 2005, in connection with the organization of the Tashkent Medical Academy, the departments of clinical pharmacology of both institutes merged under the leadership of Professor A.V. Yakubov.
At the Samarkand Medical Institute named after acad. I.P. Pavlov, the Department of Clinical Pharmacology was organized in 1985 under the leadership of Associate Professor, and later Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor D.N. Ibadova.
  From December 1, 2013 to August 2017, the Department of Internal Medicine, Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor ZiyadullaevSh.Kh.
  From September 2017 to August 2020, the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associ ate Professor S.Zh. Yuldashev.
Since September 2020, Abdurakhmonov I.R. has become the head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology.


  Spiritual, educational and educational work of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology is aimed at the formation of creative ideas in the worldview of students, education of the quality of a perfect and worthy person. The plan of spiritual, educational and educational work is being implemented on the basis of legal, political, social, economic reform in the republic.


  In recent years, the entire educational and educational process has been updated. The main goal of which is the training of highly qualified personnel with higher education and integration into the world educational system.
Practical classes, lectures, control of students' knowledge are carried out according to the recommendations, the main provisions of which are approved by the Central Methodological Council of SamMI.
Topics for practical classes and lectures are based on the standard program approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and the work program of the department, approved by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of SamMI.
Educational work at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology includes the following forms of education: practical classes, lectures with multimedia support, tasks and tasks for students' independent work and analysis in practical classes, intermediate and final control.
  In practical classes in clinical pharmacology, much attention is paid to independent and educational research work of students - supervision of patients is carried out, the effectiveness and safety of the therapy is evaluated.
Lectures for students of all faculties are conducted with multimedia materials in Uzbek and Russian languages. On the eve of the lecture, the student can familiarize himself with the lecture materials and their presentation in the mt.sammi.uz e-learning system, which can significantly increase the level of mastering the lecture material.
The methodological work of the department is presented by the publication of methodological developments, teaching aids and educational-methodical complexes for students of all faculties, taking into account the specific features of teaching clinical pharmacology in the 6th year of pediatric, 5th year of the Faculty of General Medicine and the Faculty of Medical Pedagogy, 2nd year of the Faculty of Higher Nursing and the 4th year Faculty of Dentistry.


  The main scientific directions of the department include:
1. Pharmacological audit as a tool for optimizing the pharmacotherapy of patients in the system of emergency medical care.
2. Monitoring of side effects of drugs in the pharmacotherapy of emergency conditions at the hospital stage.
The department for the first time conducted a clinical and pharmacological study of modern principles of treatment of nosocomial pneumonia in adults. An independent area was the study of antibacterial drugs in the anti-Helicobacter pylori treatment of acid-dependent gastrointestinal diseases in adults and the development of clinical and pharmacoeconomic justifications for eradication therapy.
  The staff of the department advises all departments of the SF RSCEMP as doctors-clinical pharmacologists, therapists, pediatricians, actively participate in the treatment and diagnostic process, taking part every day in the discussion of the most difficult and difficult patients at general hospital reports, consultations. The staff of the department is actively involved in the creation of guidelines, guidelines and treatment standards in therapeutic, neurological and pediatric practice.
The staff of the department regularly conducts clinical and pharmacological audit, the main purpose of which is to identify the most common errors in pharmacotherapy and their causes, develop recommendations for their elimination, make changes to treatment and diagnostic protocols and instructions that govern the principles of clinical activity.