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Course of Ophthalmology

Saidov Temur Tolibovich

Head of the course “Ophthalmology”,

Reception hours:

Monday-Saturday: 08:30-17:00


+998 (97) 923 26 47




Samarkand city, Ato Safoyev 78 street a .

Staff of the department

Xamidullayev Firdavs Faridovich

Course subject:

Traumatology and orthopedics.


+998 (91) 543 33 35

Course groups:


  Eye diseases hospital was opened in 1891 and consist of 15 beds.Here worked 2 doctors and 2 medical assistant. This hospital continued it activities started from 1891 till 1910. In 1917 was offered to upgrade given hospital. A doctor P.I. Vishnyakov managed of given hospital. During this period a material-technic base was upgraded that answerable to the requirements of that time for health care services to the local people. In 1928 was organized isolator that was reserved for 40 beds who were suffering from trachoma diseases. In 1935 a number of beds were 35, also in given period a department was opened. Starting from 1937 in old part of the city in district of Chokardiza ( in district of Shark) was opened trachomatous house for children reserved for 100 beds. In 1950 given building became prophylactic center for fight against trachoma. In given period prophylactic center intended for 75 beds and was managed by Gesha Davidovna Muxammedova.In 1954 given medical building was transformed to regional trachomatous prophylactic center. During this period T.K. Aliyev was a head doctor of the prophylactic center.Starting from 1967 was organized industrial injury assessment board in consistence with regional eye diseases hospital and a great contribution for organization of given board link with M.C. Soliyev. In 1970 regional trachomatous prophylactic center was transformed to regional specialized eye hospital. In given period 16 doctors and 35 nurses worked in hospital. In 1977, hospital with 100 beds was managed by R.M. Kodirova. During her management was organized a reasonable qualified and practical health care services in regional part of the city. In 1980 an ophthalmology of the Samarkand had radically changed, because hospital was managed by the hard-working, honest doctor B.M. Saidov. In 1983 a building was moved to a new one that nowadays continue its activities. Given buildings was reserved for 100 beds and equipped with modern techniques.In 1990 in given hospital started it activities center of microsurgery. Ochilov H.M. supervised by the given center, who studied MSTC of the Fedorov clinic. Starting from 1992 a new policlinic activities had began. In 1999 under the supervision of X.M. Komilov a head doctor B.M. Saidov defended a Candidate's dissertation to the theme “ disability because of the cataract and the way of medical and social rehabilitation of the disabled person”. More than 160 scientific articles and 36 scientific and practical guidances were established by PHD B.M. Saidov, M.T. Tuxtayev as well as doctors of the high category Z.X. Xalilova, A.S. Vishnykova, S.Ya. Bekturdiyev, N.M. Ochilov, Z. Yo. Yodgorov, R.Ya. Uzokova, E.Sh. Baxromova, F.F. Jalolova, Z.B. Saidova, N.A Rasulov, F.A. Raxmatova and nowadays they became a practical recommendation of the many doctors. It should be noted that with the initiative of head doctor of Samarkand regional eye diseases hospital, docent, doctor of medicine Mirrakhimova Saidakhon Shuxratovna the course of ophthalmology was open in 2018 and continue at present days.


  Every month, during the hours of spirituality and enlightenment, cadets' attention is drawn to political and social issues. In addition, new decrees and laws, topics from the President's speech will be discussed.


  In the courses the training of highly qualified specialists in the direction of clinical residency has been started, and practical and theoretical classes are conducted in the specialties "Ophthalmologists", "Ophthalmosurgeons". In the department, clinical registrars are regularly trained in their specialty knowledge and skills during the academic year together with the professors and teachers of the department and the doctors of the hospital.

  In the courses of Neuroophthalmology, cooperation relations have been established with professors and teachers of other medical universities of our republic, information on the specialty is exchanged during the academic year.

  Training is conducted according to the following approved documents for each course and faculty:

– Qualifying characteristics;

- State standard;

- Curriculum;

- Educational working program;

- Educational technologies include:

- Amendments based on Order No. 160 of the SSV of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- approved diagnostic standards;

– approved treatment standards;

- international recommendations;

- modern educational technologies (graphic organizers, case technology and project method).

  The following technical supplies are available during training:

  The courses of Ophthalmology has a telecommunications system for organizing the educational process, video films, presentations, multimedia programs, lectures and practical exercises on the subject are shown using televisions connected to the central computer. There is a single bank of scanned images that are designed for unified teaching based on the curriculum and correspond to all sections of the curriculum.

  Department library:

  • The library has more than 20 educational literature in English, Uzbek and Russian languages.
  • The electronic library includes textbooks, atlases, training manuals, teaching-methodical manuals, etc.

  •   Enrichment of the library of the department is regularly updated every year. The staff of the department in cooperation with other medical universities, colleges and technical institutes of our republic create training manuals, teaching-methodical manuals, monographs.

      In order for students to work on patients related to the topic, diagnostic practice is organized for all patients through clinical examination, that includes ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopy, perimetry , tonometry and other special methods of examination? On top of that leaners have access to majority operations associate with anterior segment of the eyeball.

      The course is attended by ophthalmologists who work in private clinic and public hospitals from 7 regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Training program is carried out according to the Model programs approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan

    Cycle name

    Study type






    Policlinic ophthalmologists and regional ophthalmologists

    1 month 144 credits


    Eye microsurgery


    Policlinic ophthalmologists and regional ophthalmologists

    1 month 144 credits


    Optic neurophaty


    Stationary ophthalmologists and ophthalmologists who work in private clinic

    50 credits


    Changes in the eye in somatic diseases


    Stationary ophthalmologists and ophthalmologists who work in private clinic

    50 credits


    The problems of diagnostics and treatment of ammetropia


    Stationary ophthalmologists and ophthalmologists who work in private clinic

    50 credits


    The modern diagnostics and treatment of glaucoma


    Stationary ophthalmologists and ophthalmologists who work in private clinic

    0.5 months.

    72 credits


    The modern diagnostics and treatment of cataract


    Stationary ophthalmologists and ophthalmologists who work in private clinic

    0.5 months.

    72 credits


    The modern methods of treatment of refractive anomalies


    Stationary ophthalmologists and ophthalmologists who work in private clinic

    0.5 months.

    72 credits

      In order to train listeners we have a variety of tests with multiple choice, situational tasks and lectures that answerable to modern standards of ophthalmology. Oral questioning and practical work of listeners is carry out by current control during classes.


      Academic mobility for practical classes in the discipline "Oftalmology" was conducted for ophthalmo doctors of the Aravind Eye Hospital in India within the framework of the academic mobility program of Saidov Temur Head of the Department "Ophthalmology" of Samarkand State Medical University, in the period from 23.07.2022 to 27.08.2022.