Gifted undergraduate students of Samarkand State Medical University have been awarded prestigious state scholarships:
Abdukahorova Rukhshona Nodirovna, a 6th-year student of the 1st Faculty of Medicine – recipient of the Presidential Scholarship of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
Subkhanova Zarnigor Sultonbek kizi, a 5th-year student of the Faculty of Pediatrics – recipient of the Islam Karimov State Scholarship;
Saidova Diyora Otabek kizi, a 5th-year student of the Faculty of Dentistry – recipient of the Ibn Sina State Scholarship;
Amirova Shokhidabonu Abduqodirovna, a 6th-year student of the Faculty of Medical Pedagogy – recipient of the Ibn Sina State Scholarship;
Shamsiddinova Madinabonu Shukhrat kizi, a 6th-year student of the Faculty of Medical Pedagogy – recipient of the Ibn Sina State Scholarship;
Sa’dullayeva Shamsiyabonu Mukhidin kizi, a 6th-year student of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine – recipient of the Ibn Sina State Scholarship.
SamSMU press-service