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The winners of the Republican Review-Contest of Student Theater Studios were determined

  On June 5-7 of the current year in Samarkand the final round of the republican review-contest “Student theatrical studios” was held. At this stage, 11 teams from all over the republic took part in the competition.

  In the course of the competition were presented interesting meaningful stage works, which were evaluated by members of an experienced jury. 

  According to the results of the review-contest, the 3rd place was awarded to the team “Kuzmunchak” of Urgench branch of TMA and the team “CAMU” of Central Asian Medical University, the 2nd place was awarded to the team “Retro” of Tashkent State Technical University and “Followers of Abu Ali ibn Sina” of SamSMU, and the 1st place of the republican competition of “Student Theater Studios” was awarded to the teams “Shurakhon” of Tashkent University of Humanities of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and “Kaknus” of Karshi State University.

  On June 7, an awarding ceremony was held and the winners and runners-up were awarded diplomas, statuettes and cash prizes from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation. The winners in various nominations were also identified and awarded. 

  A letter of appreciation from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation was awarded to Professor Zhasur Rizaev, Rector of Samarkand State Medical University, for his contribution to the brilliant organization of the final stage of the competition.

  The performances of famous performers brought a true festive mood to all participants and guests of the contest.

SamSMU Press Service