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Meetings were held within the framework of helping students to organize their research activities

  Today, according to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On awarding and financial incentives for talented young people of Uzbekistan", every year we encourage talented young people in our country, widely involve them in active creative activities, talented o special attention is being paid to support students, students and graduate students, as well as to award them meritorious awards.

  Including participation in competitions of state scholarships named after the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan among students of Samarkand State Medical University, necessary documents for candidates and what to pay attention to. Meetings are organized by Umida Payzullayeva.

  In this regard, information is being clarified about what documents are to be handed over to students based on the regulations, how to conduct the selection stages, how to conduct scientific work, the importance of scientific circles and the activities that students should be engaged in. Students have a certain motivation and are getting answers to questions that are interesting to them.

SamSMU Press Service