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Samarkand State Medical University hosted master classes of foreign professors

  Samarkand State Medical University on regular basis cooperates with foreign leading medical and scientific institutions in order to implement innovative educational and scientific activity, to improve the quality of training highly qualified specialists for healthcare.

  Thus, Murat Aksoy, professor of Forensic Medicine Department and Alptekin Ashar, professor of Internal Diseases Department at Jarahpasha University (Istanbul, Turkey) visited Samarkand State Medical University on 28 February. The guests were welcomed by Shukhrat Ziyadullayev, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovations of the University and Obid Khamidov, Dean of the Medical Faculty No.2.

  A seminar was organized in the large assembly hall of the university with the participation of foreign guests, which was attended by students, undergraduates and clinical residents. Jarakhpash University professors gave lectures and practical classes on topical issues of forensic medicine and internal medicine.

  The master classes were held in the format of a lively discussion, with the lecturers answering all the questions of the participants in the meeting.

SamSMU Press service