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Events are organized under the slogan "We are against AIDS".

  December 1 is World AIDS Day. Today, AIDS infection is considered one of the urgent problems of medicine, and more than 75 million people have been infected with this disease since the beginning of the epidemic. Today, planning and implementation of disease prevention and control measures is one of the priority tasks.

  In connection with this date, Samarkand State Medical University is conducting a number of events, roundtable discussions and promotional activities. In particular, the Department of Internal Medicine of Samarkand State Medical University organized roundtable discussions and interesting interactive games under the slogan "We are against AIDS" in several medical technical schools and SamSMU academic lyceums in Samarkand region.During the interviews, they talked about AIDS infection, its transmission factors, symptoms and complications, as well as preventive measures against the disease. Detailed answers were given to the questions that arose.

SamSMU Press service