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"Trade Unions Day" was widely celebrated at the university

  On November 3, Samarkand State Medical University held a spiritual and educational event on the occasion of November 11 - "Trade Unions Day".

  The event, held jointly with the Samarkand Regional Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan, was opened by the Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs, Spiritual and Educational Work E. S. Tangriev. Afterwards, chairman of the Trade Union of the University Y.N.Allayarov informed the audience about the activities of the organization in 2022. Present at the meeting chairman of the Samarkand Regional Council of Trade Unions of Health Workers of Uzbekistan M.H.Boboerov also congratulated on the holiday and wished successful work for the benefit of the university.

  During the holiday, employees of the university who are members of the "Iron Book" and "Women's Book" were presented valuable gifts.

  Creative performances of university students and a concert program put all the participants in a festive mood.

SamSMU Press Service