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Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Topical Issues of Medical Sciences" in the Academic Lyceum of Samara State Medical University

  The Academic Lyceum of Samarkand State Medical University hosted the 1st Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Topical Issues of Medical Sciences". Representatives of academic lyceums from other regions and Samarkand region took an active part in the conference in online and offline modes.

  Advisor to the Rector of SamGMU G.I.Khudayberdiyeva, associate professors N.O.Sodikov, G.U.Samieva, Sh.M.Mukhitdinov and other staff of the University participated in the conference. After the opening ceremony, the conference continued in 3 sections, where the reports of young scientists, researchers and gifted students were presented, as well as scientific discussions of the forum participants were held.

Press Service of SamSMU