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The competition "Come on girls" was held in the dormitory № 3

  On the occasion of International Women's Day on March 8, the competition "Come on girls" was held among female students in the dormitory No. 3 of SamSMI.

  The competition was attended by teachers of the Department of Medical Biology and Genetics at the Faculty of Medical Prevention, Public Health and Medical Biology, Deputy Dean for spiritual and educational work Muradova N.A. O. Turaboeva and students-girls of the Institute.

  During the event they discussed the role of women in our society, opportunities created for them and exchanged their views. Congrstulationd were expressed in connection with the forthcoming holiday, the International Women's Day.

  Also, during the event, winners and medalists of the competition "Come on girls" were announced. They were awarded with

SamSMI Press Service