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Maternity Policy (2023)

  Samarkand State Medical University (SSMU) is dedicated to creating an inclusive, supportive environment that enables women to fully engage in their academic and professional pursuits, even during significant life events like pregnancy and maternity. Our Maternity Policy is designed to support the health, well-being, and continued participation of women at all stages of their educational journey, ensuring they have the flexibility and resources needed to balance family responsibilities with their studies or careers.

  Flexible Academic Options for Expectant and New Mothers

  SSMU offers a range of flexible academic accommodations to help pregnant students and new mothers continue their education without interruption: Expectant and new mothers can work with academic advisors to create tailored study plans, allowing them to adjust course loads, reschedule exams, or defer certain requirements to accommodate their needs. For women who may need to spend time away from campus, we offer online and remote learning options to keep them on track academically without compromising their health or well-being. We provide extended maternity leave options, allowing students to take necessary time away from their studies with the assurance that they can return to their program without penalty.

  Support for Faculty and Staff Members

  Our Maternity Policy extends to faculty and staff, ensuring that new and expectant mothers have the support they need to balance professional responsibilities with family life: SSMU provides paid maternity leave for eligible employees, allowing them to take the necessary time to care for their new family without financial stress. Faculty and staff have access to flexible work arrangements, including adjusted schedules, remote work options, and job-sharing, helping them balance work and family responsibilities effectively.

  On-Campus Facilities and Resources SSMU is committed to making campus life more accommodating for new mothers by providing access to essential facilities and resources: Designated private spaces are available on campus for nursing mothers, providing a comfortable and convenient environment for breastfeeding or expressing milk. While SSMU does not operate its own daycare, we provide information and referrals to nearby childcare services to support mothers seeking convenient, quality childcare options close to campus.

  Health and Wellness Support 

  The health and well-being of expectant and new mothers are a top priority at SSMU. Our maternity policy includes access to comprehensive support resources, including: Free counseling services are available to help students, faculty, and staff navigate the emotional and physical challenges of pregnancy, maternity, and parenting. SSMU’s medical center offers specialized resources and information for expectant mothers, including prenatal health resources and wellness programs that promote a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

  Academic and Career Advising for New Mothers 

  We understand that returning to academic life or career responsibilities after maternity leave can be challenging, so SSMU offers resources to make this transition smoother: Academic and career advisors provide guidance for women re-entering their programs or roles, helping them ease back into their responsibilities with a customized support plan. For new mothers in the workforce, SSMU offers career coaching, networking opportunities, and skills workshops to support their professional growth and advancement. Samarkand State Medical University is committed to ensuring that pregnancy and motherhood do not pose barriers to academic or professional success. Through our supportive Maternity Policy, we provide the flexibility, resources, and understanding that women need to pursue their studies and careers with confidence. For more information about our maternity support programs, please contact our student services or human resources office.