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Kafedra o'quv va o'quv-metodik ishlari

  1.  Chiziqli zanjirlarda to'g'ri burchakli impulьslarni kuzatish va diffyeryenцial hamda intyegral zanjirlarni o'rganish. 10 byet
  2.  Chiziqli zanjirlarda to`g`ri burchakli impulslarni kuzatish va differensial hamda integral zanjirlarni o’rganish. 10 bet
  3.  Elyektron osцillografning tuzilishi va ishlash prinsipini o'rganish 22 byet
  4.  Elektron ossillografning tuzilishi va ishlash prinsipini o’rganish 22 byet
  5.  INTERNET va E-mail xizmatlari 16 byet
  6.  INTERNET va E-mail xizmatlari 16 byet
  7.  Gauss normal taqsimot qonuniga asosan odamning maksimal artyerial qon bosimining taqsimlanishini o'rganish (Xususiy hol uchun) 13 byet
  8.  Gauss normal taqsimot qonuniga asosan odamning maksimal arterial qon bosimining taqsimlanishini o`rganish (Xususiy hol uchun) 13 byet
  9.  Yorug'likning qutblanish xodisasidan foydalanib polyarimyetr yordamida eritmalardagi shakarning miqdorini aniqlash. 11 byet
  10.  Yorug`likning qutblanish xodisasidan foydalanib polyarimetr yordamida eritmalardagi shakarning miqdorini aniqlash. 11 byet
  11.  Rangli eritmalarning konцyentraцiyasini fotomyetrik usul bilan aniqlash. 11 bet
  12.  Rangli eritmalarning konsentratsiyasini fotometrik usul bilan aniqlash. 11 byet
  13.  Suyuqlikni sindirish ko'rsatkichini ryefraktomyetr yordamida aniqlash. 7 byet
  14.  Suyuqlikni sindirish ko`rsatkichini refraktometr yordamida aniqlash. 7 byet
  15.  Suyuqliklarning ichki ishqalanish koeffiцiyentini (qovushqoqligini) kapillyar viskozimyetr va VK-4 viskozimyetri vositasi bilan aniqlash. 14 byet
  16.  Suyuqliklarning ichki ishqalanish koeffitsiyenti-ni (qovushqoqligini) kapilyar viskozimetr va VK-4 viskozimetri vositasi bilan aniqlash. 14 byet
  17.  Xatolar haqida tushuncha mutlaq (absolyut) va nisbiy xato. 10 byet
  18.  Xatolar haqida tushuncha mutlaq (absolyut) va nisbiy xato. 10 byet
  19.  Audiomyetriyaning fizik asoslarini o'rganish va audiomyetr yordami bilan eshitish o'tkirligini aniqlash. 9 byet
  20.  Audiometriyaning fizik asoslarini o`rganish va audiometr yordami bilan eshitish o`tkirligini aniqlash. 9 bet
  21.  Stomatologiya fakulteti talabalari uchun laboratoriya mashg`ulotlari 115 bet
  22.  Davolash fakulteti talabalari uchun laboratoriya mashg`ulotlari 110 bet
  23.  Monografiya Safarov T.S., Uraqov Sh.U. “Modyelirovaniye i isslyedovaniye proцyessa prinyatiya myediцinskix diagnostichyeskix ryeshyeniy na osnovye gibridnoy tyexnologii”. Toshkyent-2020. - 152 byet.
  24.  O'quv-uslubiy qo'llanma “Oliy matyematika” Malikov M.R. Voxodov A.M.,Urakov Sh.U., Baxramov R.R.,Nye'matov N.I. Samarqand - 2019 y. 38 b.
  25.  O'quv-uslubiy qo'llanma “Gyematologiya fanida “o'tkir lyeykoz” mavzusini o'kitishda axborot kommunikaцion tyexnologiyalarni qo'llanilishi. Abdiyev K.M., Urakov Sh.U., Safarov T.S. Samarqand - 2020 y. 84 b.
  26.  Malikov M.R. Safarov T., Voxodov A.M., Urakov Sh.U., Baxramov R.R.,Nye'matov N.I.uslubiy qo'llanma “Statistika” Samarqand– 2020 y. 25 b.
  27.  As the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoev, stated in his programs, "One of the most important and urgent issues is to educate young people with high morale, modern knowledge and skills, independent thinking in the spirit of national and universal values". He said that we can build a prosperous and prosperous society through high spirituality and continuous spiritual education.
  28.  At the beginning of each school year, a plan for the implementation of work in the spiritual-educational and moral educational spheres is approved after discussion.
  29.  During the academic year, according to the plan, the professors-educators of the course carried out many works in the fields of spiritual and moral education.
  30.  National holidays, historical figures and birthdays of our great ancestors were constantly celebrated at the faculty. Including; "Independence Day", "Teachers and Mentors' Day", "Language Day", "Kurban Hayit", "Constitution Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan", "Defenders of the Motherland Day", "International Women's Day", "Nowruz Holiday", "Remembrance Day" and appreciation day", holidays, great figures A. Navoi (9.02), Z.M. Babur (14.02), The birthdays of Ulugbek (22.03), A. Temur (9.04) were widely celebrated.
  31.  In the "Information hours" held on Thursdays of the week, interviews on the topics of high standards of spirituality, spiritual maturity of students, and religious tolerance were continuously held throughout the year for the purpose of developing the spiritual maturity of a person.
  32.  Apart from these, the days spent on the scale of the Republic and the world; November 3 "International Day of the Disabled", December 1 "World AIDS Day", May 18 "International Museum Day", May 31 "Environmental Protection Day", June 1 "Children's Day" ", June 26, round talks dedicated to the "Day of struggle against drug addiction" were held in all groups.
  33.  Dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Appreciation, the employees of the "Physics, Biophysics and Medical Physics" Department of SamDTU held meetings with Zebo Ibragimovna Niyazova, who taught students for many years at the university, and other honored former teachers, on May 9.
  34.  Employees of the department, on the basis of the orders and instructions of the regional government and the university management, are visiting the districts and schools of Ishtikhan, Kushchrabot and Kattakurgon districts, and are issuing permits based on the instructions.
  35.  Associate Professor Sodikov Naim Ochilovich, who has worked and lead the department for 54 years, was awarded the "Labor Veteran" badge of the first degree according to the presidential decree.
  36.  All the activities planned at the beginning of the academic year were carried out, and there were no illegalities or anti-spiritual behavior at the level of our department.