Maqola mavzusi



Saidova Mukhabbat Mukhidinovna


Bukhara State Medical Institute


The problem of comorbidity is widely discussed in the current medical literature. Its role in rheumatic diseases is particularly interesting because of its multifactorial nature and the involvement of a wide range of pathogenetic mechanisms. For many years, researchers around the world have noted correlations between the presence of active autoimmune disorders and the complicated course of cardiovascular diseases. A better understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms at the current stage of rheumatology allows a new perspective on the relationship between atherosclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. The definition of multimorbidity developed in recent years and the results of recent scientific research can contribute to a more correct choice of management tactics for patients with a combination of these two diseases.

Kalit so'zlar

comorbidity; multimorbidity; rheumatoid arthritis; cardiovascular disease; atherosclerosis, autoimmunity, autoinflammation


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