Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №3

Тема статьи



SHAMSIEV Jamshid Azamatovich, DAVRANOV Bobir Latibovich




Objective: Analysis of the results of treatment of patients with congenital tracheoesophageal fistula Methods: In the period from 2016 to 2021, 9 patients with suspected isolated tracheoesophageal leakage were hospitalized at the 2-SamMI clinic. Judging by the anamnesis, they all suffered from frequent colds from birth. The main complaints are nausea from the mother's speech, cough, shortness of breath, perioral cyanosis and a sharp increase in body temperature. The age of patients - from 1 year of birth to 7 years, the majority of patients (77.8%) - up to 3 months. Results: In the postoperative period, active antibacterial, infusion-detoxification therapy continued, correction of metabolic disorders was carried out by administration of colloidal and protein preparations, as well as post-syndrome therapy. On the first day, parenteral feeding of dildicca is carried out, and then feeding is carried out through a nasogastric probe. On the 5th day, the drainage tube was removed from the pleural cavity, on the 10th day, the nasogastric probe was removed. Conclusions: Isolated leakage of the tracheoesophageal button is one of the rare developmental defects. Contrast-X-ray examination of the esophagus is crucial in the diagnosis of this pathology

Ключевые слова

tracheoesophageal leakage, blood waiting, X-ray examination


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