Acceptance of articles
•Submit articles
Articles are sent via e-mail or Telegram/WhatsApp: +998979145521.
• Rules for authors
To send an article to the editor, you must submit:
A cover letter from the institution where the work was performed.
Printed version of the article in one copy.
Electronic version of the article.
On the first page of the article there must be a visa of the head and the seal of the sending institution, on the last page - the signature of all authors indicating the last name, first name and patronymic, academic degree, title, postal address, contact phone number and e-mail address for correspondence.
At the beginning of the article indicate: title of the article, last name, first name, patronymic of the author (authors) in full, place of work of each author, contact information (e-mail) and photo (3×4 on a light background) of each author, name of the institution(s) where the work was performed (on Russian, Uzbek and English).
Abstracts and keywords in Russian, Uzbek and English must be attached to the articles. The abstract text of no more than 150 words should reflect the main provisions of the article. It is necessary that there be UDC.
The text is printed on one side of A4 sheet, Times New Roman font, size 14, with double spacing between lines, margins 2 cm, in MS Word 2007 text editor.
Plagiarism and secondary publications. It is unacceptable to use unscrupulous textual borrowing and appropriation of research results that do not belong to the authors of the submitted manuscript. You can check an article for originality using the services (for Russian-language texts) and (for English-language texts). The editors reserve the right to check the received manuscripts for plagiarism. Textual similarity of more than 20% is considered unacceptable. Works published in other publications or sent to other publications cannot be sent to the editorial office.
The structure of the original article should be as follows: introduction, materials and methods, results and their discussion, conclusion or conclusions, list of cited literature.
Tables must have a title. The text should indicate a link to the table, it is not allowed to repeat the data given in it.
Illustrations (photographs, drawings, diagrams) must be contrasting and clear. On the back of the photograph, the top and bottom are indicated, the number of the figure, the name of the author and the title of the article are put. Illustrations in JPEG format are allowed.
Formulas (physical, mathematical, chemical) are endorsed by the authors in the margins.
Abbreviations other than generally accepted (physical, chemical and mathematical) values are not allowed. The article must use the SI system of units. Abbreviations in the title of articles are not allowed, and in the text they must be deciphered at the first mention.
Bibliographic list of references (only in the original language) no more than 20 works (excluding review articles), listed in alphabetical order (first in Russian, then in foreign languages) published over the past 5 years. References to authors in the text are given in square brackets with their serial number, according to the list. Responsibility for the correctness and reliability of the data given in the list of references rests with the authors. When compiling a list of references, the following are indicated: for books - the surname, initials of the authors, the title of the book, place, publisher, year of publication, number of pages; for journal articles - the surname and initials of the authors, the title of the article, the title of the journal, year, number, pages (from - to); for articles from collections - the surname and initials of the authors, the title of the article, the name of the collection, the place and year of publication, pages (from - to); for abstracts of dissertations - the surname and initials of the author, the title of the dissertation, doctoral or candidate, place of publication, year, number of pages.
The volume of articles for the headings "Clinical Studies", "Experimental Studies", "Literature Review" and "Lectures" should not exceed 10-15 pages, including tables, illustrations and a list of references. For the headings "Exchange of experience" and "Case from practice" - no more than 8-10 pages.
The editorial board reserves the right to edit, correct and shorten articles without distorting their essence. Articles previously published or submitted to other journals will not be accepted. Articles that do not meet these requirements are not subject to consideration. Manuscripts will not be returned to authors. Sending articles by e-mail is allowed as an exception - only in agreement with the editors.