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Journal problems of biology and medicine

Editorial Board

Editorial team

  Chief of Editing: Rizaev Zhasur Alimdzhanovich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Rector of Samarkand State Medical University.

  Vice editor-in-chief: Kurbaniyazov Zafar Babazhanovich – MD, Professor, Head of the Department of Surgical Diseases No. 1, Samarkand State Medical University,

  Responsible secretary - Rakhmanov Kosim Erdanovich - Associate Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases No. 1 of the Samarkand State Medical University.

Editorial team:

  N.N. Abdullayeva - vice-rector for medical work of the Samarkand State Medical University, MD, Professor of the Department of Neurology

  S.A. Blinova - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology, Samarkand State Medical University

  S.S. Davlatov - Ph.D, Associate Professor, Department of Urology Faculty of Surgical Hospital, Bukhara State Medical Institute

  Sh.Kh. Ziyadullaev – MD, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Samarkand State Medical University

  B.B. Negmadzhanov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology No. 2 Samarkand State Medical University

  M.R. Rustamov – MD, Professor of the Department of Pediatrics No. 1 Samarkand State Medical University

  O.N. Yarmukhamedova - Ph.D, Associate Professor Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Samarkand State Medical University

Editorial Council:

  H.A. Akilov - Head of the Center Development of Professional Qualifications of Medical Workers, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

  M.M. Amonov - Senior Lecturer, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Sultan Zainal Abidin University, Terengganu (Malaysia)

  T.U. Aripova - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician, Director of the Institute of Immunology & Human Genomics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

  O.A. Ataniyazova - Director of the Nukus branch of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

  A.V. Devyatov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Senior Researcher at the Department of Portal Hypertension & Pancreatoduodenal Surgery Zone of the Republican Specialized Scientific Center of Surgery which was named after acad. V. Vakhidov

  B.A. Duschanov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of General Hygiene of the Urgench branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy

  A.Sh. Inoyatov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Minister of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan

  A.I. Ikramov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan

  A.K. Iordanishvili - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Surgical Dentistry of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov

  B.M. Mamatkulov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the School of Public Health of the Tashkent Medical Academy

  F.G. Nazirov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Advisor to the Director of the Republican Specialized Scientific Center for Surgery named after acad. V. Vakhidov

  A.Yu. Razumovsky - Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery, Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, President of the Russian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, Chief Pediatric Surgeon of the Moscow Department of Health, Chief Pediatric Surgeon of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Thoracic Surgery and Surgical Gastroenterology, Children's Clinical Hospital No. 13 named after N.F. Filatov

  V.M. Rozinov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Chief Freelance Pediatric Surgeon of the Hospital named after N. I. Pirogov

  L.M. Roshal - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, President of the Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology

  Sh.Zh. Teshaev - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Rector of the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino

  A.M. Shamsiev - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pediatric Surgery No. 1 of the Samarkand State Medical University

  A.K. Shodmonov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Rector of the Tashkent Medical Academy

  A.M. Khadzhibaev - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Center for the Development of Professional Qualifications of Medical Workers

  B.Z. Khamdamov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Faculty and Hospital Surgery, Urology, Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino

  M.Kh. Khodzhibekov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics and Medical Radiology of the Tashkent Medical Academy

  Junichi Sakamoto – Professor, Director of Tokai Central Hospital, (Japan)

  Rainer Rienmuller - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of General Diagnostic Radiology, Graz Medical University (Austria), Honorary Professor of Samarkand State Medical University

  Sohei Kubo - MD, Maxillofacial Surgeon, Tokai Central Hospital, (Japan)