Биология ва тиббиёт муаммолари 2025, №1 (158)
Subject of the article
Goyibov Salim Saidullaevich, Nematullaev Tukhtasin Komiljonovich
Samarkand State Medical University, Republic Of Uzbekistan, Samarkand
Objective: This literature review aims to evaluate the safety of spinal anesthesia in patients with heart failure, focusing on its physiological effects, evidence of safety, and strategies for risk mitigation. Methods: A comprehensive literature search was conducted using databases such as PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Keywords included "spinal anesthesia," "heart failure," "safety," and "hemodynamic effects." Studies published within the last 10 years that addressed the safety, benefits, and risks of spinal anesthesia in adult patients with heart failure were included. Observa-tional studies, clinical trials, meta-analyses, and case reports were analyzed. Results: Spinal anesthesia can offer signifi-cant advantages in stable heart failure patients, such as reduced myocardial oxygen demand and improved cardiac output by decreasing afterload. Clinical studies show a generally favorable safety profile in stable (NYHA Class I–II) heart failure patients when used with appropriate monitoring. However, risks such as hypotension, cardiac decompensation, and poor perfusion remain significant, particularly in patients with severe or decompensated heart failure (NYHA Class III–IV). Spinal anesthesia was also associated with fewer perioperative complications compared to general anesthesia in some studies, including lower rates of arrhythmias and pulmonary edema. Tailored approaches involving preoperative optimization, vigilant monitoring, and judicious use of vasopressors were key to improving outcomes. Conclusion: Spinal anesthesia is a viable option for patients with stable heart failure when applied with caution and individualized care. However, its use in severe or decompensated heart failure requires careful risk assessment and enhanced intraoperative management. Further research, including large-scale randomized controlled trials and subgroup analyses, is needed to establish standardized guidelines and explore alternative techniques.
Key words
spinal anesthesia, heart failure, hemodynamic effects, regional anesthesia, perioperative safety, cardiac dysfunction.
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