Stomatologiya va kraniofasial tadqiqotlar jurnali №1 2024.pdf

Subject of the article



Akhmedov Alisher Astanovich Abdullaeva Nilufar Ikrombekovna


Samarkand State Medical University


Inflammatory periodontal diseases occupy one of the leading positions among oral diseases. Nowadays, it is difficult to determine the etiology and pathogenesis of periodontal disease development. Deterioration of microcirculation is an important link in the chain of pathogenesis of inflammatory periodontal diseases. Factors providing constancy of haemodynamics are one of the factors predetermining the occurrence and course of pathological processes. The main methods of studying the state of haemodynamics of periodontal tissue vessels are functional.

Key words

Microcirculation, Laser Doppler flowmetry, Gingival blood flow.


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