Биология ва тиббиёт муаммолари 2024 №3 (154)

Subject of the article



Yusupova Umidajon Ulugbekovna


Urgench branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy, Republic of Uzbekistan. Urgench


Acute community-acquired pneumonia (ACP) in children remains one of the most severe diseases leading to high mortality (up to 16% or more) among patients under the age of 5 years. Information on the relationship between cytokine status and hemostasis in children with pneumonia, taking into account the influence of unfavorable environmental conditions, is practically absent. In this regard, the next stage of our work was to study the correlation between hemo-stasis indicators and serum cytokine levels in the blood of children with acute community-acquired pneumonia in children living in Khorezm, the indicators of the coagulation link of the hemostasis system showed a high thrombotic preparedness for DIC. The imbalance of hemostasis indicators dictates the expediency of correcting and preventing these conditions for more successful control over the process and timely complete treatment.

Key words

community-acquired pneumonia, hemostasis, ecology, children.


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