Gepato-gastroenterologik tadqiqotlar jurnali 2023 №3

Subject of the article



Ganiev A.G., Sanakulov A.B.


Samarkand State Medical University


According to the International Systematization of Diseases (10th edition), neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) is understood as somatoform autonomic dysfunction caused by a violation of the nervous regulation of the circulatory system. Among non-infectious diseases of childhood and adolescence, the most common pathology is vegetative-vascular dystonia - from 4.8 to 29.1%. The article evaluates circadian rhythms and heart rate variability in urban and urban adolescents with similar neurocirculatory dystonia. When examining adolescents with neurocirculatory dystonia, it is necessary to conduct not only a simple ECG at rest, but also Holter ECG monitoring with determination of heart rate variability; the examination ensures adequate treatment and monitoring of patients in this group. The observed changes in circadian rhythm and rhythm variability in urban adolescents compared to rural adolescents are likely associated with living in an industrial area, environmental criteria, nutrition and greater information load, which urgently requires further research.

Key words

Key words: schoolchildren, neurocirculatory dystonia, cardiac rhythm and conduction disorders.


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