Биология ва тиббиёт муаммолари 2024 №2 (152)

Subject of the article



Khamraev Abdurashid Jurakulovich, Faizullaev Fazliddin Sayfullaevich


1 - Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent; 2 - Samarkand State Medical University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand


This paper presents clinical materials from the examination and treatment of 90 children with hemorrhoids over the past 11 years. The authors compare the features of the etiopathogenesis of hemorrhoids in children from the literature and their own research data. The proposed non-invasive compression methods in the complex treatment of hemorrhoids in childhood are more effective among children of early and preschool age. A study of long-term results of complex conservative treatment in 44 patients with hemorrhoids, good results were noted in 38(86.5%), satisfactory - in 4(9%) and unsatisfactory (relapses) - in 2(4.5%) of patients. Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids in children was used only when a course of conservative treatment was unsuccessful in 11 (12.2%) patients with good long-term results in all cases. Indications for hemorrhoidectomy were: frequent prolapse of hemorrhoids (HU). After surgical treatment, good results were obtained in all cases; no relapses were observed. Thanks to the optimization of conservative and surgical treatment taking into account the age characteristics of children, good results were achieved.

Key words

hemorrhoids in children, conservative treatment, surgical treatment.


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