Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2023 №1

Subject of the article



Fayazov Dj. Abdulaziz, Akhmedov I. Adkham


Samarkand State Medical University


Objective:. To study the morphology of the structures of the gastroduodenal zone containing stress monomines in experimental burn injury. Methods:. The studies were carried out on 16 rabbits, 4 of them made up the control group. Burn injuries were modeled in 12 rabbits. The first fragments of the obtained material were frozen in a cryostat (without fixation), histotopographic sections were made from them, which were treated with a solution of glyoxylic acid according to the method of V.N. Shvalev and N.I. Zhuchkova. Results: The morphology of adrenergic nerve structures and open-type endocrinocytes containing stress monoamines (catecholamines and serotonin) due to experimental thermal injury (trauma) was studied by luminescence-histochemical method. It is established that varicose changes of adrenergic nerve fibers and pain occur at the same time changes in the ratio of kateholamines and serotonin in the cytoplasm of open-type endocrinocytes of the diffuse endocrine apparatus of the duodenum.

Key words

duodenum, monoamine-containing structures.


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