Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №6

Subject of the article



Giyasov A. Zayniddin, Dekhkonov A. Mashrabjon.


Tashkent Medical Academy


The materials of commission forensic medical examinations in cases of medical care in the neonatal period, conducted in three regions of the country in 2012-2021, are analyzed. It was found that defects in the provision of medical care in inpatient institutions were more often admitted by neonatologists, pediatricians, surgeons, outpatient institutions – pediatricians, general practitioners. More than half of the defects are associated with the treatment process, mainly with the appointment and conduct of various medical procedures. Most of the defects occurred for organizational reasons. About 30% of the defects were made for subjective reasons, more often due to the inattention of doctors. About 70% of the defects had a significant impact on the health of infants.

Key words

neonatal period, medical care, commission examination.


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