Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №1
Subject of the article
MAMATKULOV Komiljon Mardankulovich KHOLKHUDJAYEV Farrux Ikramovich RAKHMONOV Shohimardon. KALANDAROV Dilshod AMONOV Gayrat Tursunovich
Samarkand State Medical Institute Samarkand branch of the Republican Specialized Traumatology and Orthopedic Scientific and Practical Medical Center
The purpose of the study. Stable, reliable minimally invasive surgical treatment for anterior cruciate ligament injury using tendons of thin and semi-tendon muscles and (or) tendons of the long fibular muscle using the “all inside” method using Ultrabutton Smith-Nephew. Materials and methods. The work is based on the experience of treating 190 patients with anterior cruciate ligament injuries in Samarkand branch of the republican scientific and practical medical center of traumatology and orthopedics, where the technique of plastic surgery using tendons of thin, semi-tendon muscles and (or) long fibular muscle was used in the period from 2018 to 2020. The results of the study. Excellent results - 71 (37.4%) - 85-90 points, good results - 109 (57.4%) – 65-85 points, satisfactory - 10 (5.2%) - up to 65 points, 1 patient retained slightly pronounced sensations of stiffness and discomfort in the joint until 1 year after surgery, which were stopped over time against the background of a rehabilitation program including physical therapy, physiotherapy, a course of chondroprotectors and intra-articular injections of synovial fluid protectors. Conclusions. Autografts from the tendons of the popliteal hip flexors have been successfully used to restore the stability of knee joints with a damaged anterior ligament in both acute and chronic situations. This technique is a highly effective way to prevent the occurrence of complications, especially problems with stiffness and patellar pain.
Key words
restoration of the PCR, Ultrabutton Smith-Nephew, instability of the knee joint, the “ALL INSIDE" method
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