Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali, 2022 №6

Subject of the article



Khodjiyeva T. Dilbar, Ismailova B. Nigora


Bukhara State Medical University


Objective: To investigate and correctly assess cognitive functions in patients with myasthenia gravis on the basis of a comprehensive clinical-neuropsychological and laboratory examination. Methods: comprehensive clinical-neurological, neuropsychological and laboratory examination of 95 patients with myasthenia gravis who received inpatient treatment at the neurological departments of Bukhara Regional Multidisciplinary Hospital from 2020 to 2022, as well as 40 control group persons. Results: were compared taking into account the clinical form of myasthenia gravis, presence of thymoma, and concomitant somatic diseases; comparative statistical analysis was carried out. Conclusions. Our results confirm that in patients with myasthenia gravis neurotrophic factor has lower blood serum values than the control group.

Key words

myasthenia gravis, cognitive changes, neuropsychological evaluation


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