Reproduktiv salomatlik va uro-nefrologik tadqiqotlar jurnali 20212№ 3
Subject of the article
Ibatova Shoira Mavlanovna, Mamatkulova Feruza Xamidovna, Ruzikulov Norkul Yokubovich
Samarkand State Medical University
Obesity is one of the urgent problems of modern clinical medicine, occupies one of the leading places among alimentary-dependent diseases and is a disease of civilization due to the conditions that are created due to the development of society. Overweight and its associated complications occur not only in adults, but also in children, and the number of cases is increasing every year. Despite the urgency of the problem of obesity, the awareness and alertness of the population on this problem remains low. Overweight in children in the general population is not considered a cause for concern, so in most cases, parents consult a doctor several years after the onset of the disease.69 children with exogenous constitutional obesity and arterial hypertension were examined. The comparison group consisted of 20 healthy children. More than 56 million children were obese and overweight in 2015, according to the World Health Organization, and obesity is now an epidemic. Arterial hypertension (AH) among children and adolescents ranges from 0.4 to 8%. A relationship has been established between body mass index, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism with risk factors identified earlier, as well as an inverse correlation between birth weight and body mass index.
Key words
obesity, patients, body mass index, arterial hypertension
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