Kardiorespirator tadqiqotlar jurnali 3.(2020)

Maqola mavzusi



Islamova K.A., Karabaeva G.X.


Samarqand davlat tibbiyot instituti


Purpose: To study the clinical features of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the context of diabetes mellitus (DB). Examination materials and methods: In the 1st therapy department of the Samarkand State Medical Institute Clinic, 80 patients with DB type II visceral diseases underwent clinical, laboratory and instrumental examinations. The current classification of etiological and vascular complications of DB was introduced, and it was studied whether this classification was confirmed on the basis of diagnostic criteria. Our tests show that DB is more common after the age of 50. Men over the age of 50 scored 46 (92.0%) among women and 26 (87.0%) among men. Cardiovascular diseases were detected in 49 (61.25%) of the patients examined. Of these, 34 (69.4%) patients had hypertension, 13 (26.5%) patients - ischemic heart disease, 2 (4.1%) patients - rheumatism, heart defects.Conclusion: Against the background of type II DB, mainly diseases of the internal organs lead to the rapid development of various complications in patients and the severity of DB. The correct dose of antidiabetic drugs is important in the complex treatment of comorbidities of DB and CVD.

Kalit so'zlar

diabetes, cardiovascular system, antidiabetic drugs, hypertension, ischemic heart disease.


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