Stomatologiya va kraniofasial tadqiqotlar jurnali №2 2024.pdf

Maqola mavzusi



Neymatov Uktam Suyunovich Lutfullaev Gayrat Umrullaevich


Samarkand State Medical University


There are two main morphological types of haemangiomas: capillary and cavernous (mixed). The incidence of capillary haemangiomas is slightly higher and in most cases their localisation is the nasal barrier, while cavernous haemangiomas are more often localised on the lateral nasal wall. Unilateral nasal bleeding and nasal congestion are among the most obvious clinical signs of capillary haemangioma. Unfortunately, the recurrence rate of haemangiomas can be as high as 15%. The problem of vascular tumours of the ENT organs is considered extremely urgent and its solution is of great practical importance.

Kalit so'zlar

nasal cavity, benign vascular tumours, clinical indications


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