Биология ва тиббиёт муаммолари 2024 №2 (152)

Maqola mavzusi



Kamalova Malika Ilhamovna, Khaidarov Nodirjon Kadirovich, Islomov Shavkat Eriyigitovich


1 - Samarkand State Medical University, Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand; 2 - Tashkent State Dental Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent


The aim of the study was to investigate clinical and morphologic changes of the brain in the acute period of ischemic stroke course in women of fertile age Material and methods of the study. The research was carried out in the thanatology department of the Republican Pathology Center. We carried out a retrospective analysis among 150 patients with ischemic stroke in women of fertile age (from 15 to 49 years), female subjects. A clinical and anamnestic method was performed, which included the study of complaints, history of the disease, neurologic status, and analysis of laboratory cerebral artery data. The existence of such anomalies, in addition, sharply limited the possibilities of including the circumflex circulation after the development of ischemic stroke. Results of the study. In women of fertile age background diseases determined the pathogenetic variant of ischemic stroke. We revealed the prevalence of arterial hypertension and anomalies of the main and cerebral arteries in hemodynamic stroke, arterial hypertension in lacunar stroke, heart rhythm disturbances, chronic rheumatic heart disease, ischemic heart disease, in cardioembolic stroke, arterial hypertension combined with atherosclerosis in atherothrombotic stroke.There was a prevalence of atherosclerosis, CHD, transient ischemic attacks, chronic rheumatic heart disease in women, with diabetes mellitus and arrhythmia in the second place. Hemispheric localization of ischemia prevailed in all patients. In patients with ATI there was a flickering development of focal neurologic symptomatology within a day. Conclusions: Thus, the severity of vertebrobasilar ATI and CES was confirmed by the prevalence of impaired consciousness and respiratory disorders, pronounced and persistent neurological deficit, high percentage of lethal outcomes.

Kalit so'zlar

microvessels of brain tissue, stroke zones, arterioles and precapillaries, microhematomas.


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