Биология ва тиббиёт муаммолари 2024 №1 (151)
Maqola mavzusi
Khamroev Izzat Sayfulloevich
Bukhara State Medical Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara
The article presents a comparative analysis of morphometric parameters of renal nephron in chronic alcoholism and correction with biologically active food additive polarena syrup. In the group of animals, when corrected with a biologically active food additive polaren, the morphological parameters of the animals are close to the control ones, which makes it possible to identify the detoxification abilities of polaren. At the same time, morphometric indicators are approaching the control ones, but on a limited scale. Keywords: alcohol, kidneys, polaren, renal parenchyma, capsule thickness, cortical substance, medulla.
Kalit so'zlar
alcohol, kidneys, polaren, kidney parenchyma, capsule thickness, cortical substance, brain matter.
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