Журнал кардиореспираторных исследований. Special Issue 1.1.(сборник статей)

Maqola mavzusi



Z.Sh. Madumarova, G.U. Nazarova


Andijan State Medical Institute


This article is devoted to the application of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of ostheoartritis of the hip joint. The article discusses the relevance of the use of ultrasound in the disease of ostearthrosis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), as well as the differential assessment of inflammatory and degenerative processes based on ultrasound Doppler sonography. For a long time, a simple X-ray was considered the reference technique of osteoarthritis (OA). Recently, ultrasonography is an innovative method for visualizing this disease. The use of ultrasound highlights the various anatomical structures in great detail and detects intra- and extra-articular changes

Kalit so'zlar

Coxoarthrosis, coxitis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ultrasonography, hip joints, diagnostics.


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